So it is finished. Accomplished, I mean. Now we need only tidy up and make ready for Everything.
James K has issue #73. We’ll need a recapper for #72.
It has also come up that some wish to have a place where they can yell “DIBS!” I suppose this is as good a place to yell “dibs!” as any. (One should also keep in mind that just because someone yelled “DIBS!” on your favorite book, the one that you were hoping to recap, know that you can still submit one. We’ll read and argue over that one too.) Dibs, so far:
Why… we’re empty. I mean, there are only the issues #72, #74, and #75 left. It’s not like we’ve dozens of books before us…
Still, it’s sad to see this space empty like an empty room.
Speaking of “dibs”, it has been brought to the attention of Management that there have been people agitating for a place for dibs for Babylon 5!
We’re getting ready to watch the first of a two-parter: A Voice In The Wilderness (Part One).
James K has both Part One and Part Two of that, but after that… gee, golly. We’ve got Babylon Squared, The Quality of Mercy, and Chrysalis. That can’t be right. (Note: it is.)
*I* want The Quality of Mercy. That’s the episode that made me start to hope that Lennier showed up every week.
(It’s very difficult to discuss this book (or the show!) without discussing the next one (or the one after that, or the one after that), if you want to discuss something with a major plot point: please rot13 it. That’s a simple encryption that will allow the folks who want to avoid spoilers to avoid them and allow the people who want to argue them to argue them.)
I’ll take 72.Report