Thursday Night Bar Fight #9: Furries Unite!
Good news, everyone!
The Council for Higher Education Accreditation has finally granted the League university status. As of now, reading and commenting here earn you actual course credits, which you can save up and exchange for valuable cash prizes. (For example, it is my understanding that responding to two Stupid Tuesday Questions and reading a Kuznicki Cato update will earn you either five Humanities credits or a year’s supply of Turtle Wax Car Wax.)
However, our new League University is missing one key component: a university mascot, which I am told is now necessary if we are to receive federal DOE funding. (Thanks a lot, Obama!)
And therein lies this Thursday Night Bar Fight quandary:
What shall the League’s mascot be, and why?
As always, there are some rules – or perhaps in this case, it would be more precise to say guidelines:
- Please nominate two mascots – one animal (e.g.: The Bobcats*), and one non-animal (e.g.: The Clippers*).
- Please try to find a mascot that best exemplifies what the League is, good and bad.
- Not a requirement, but when choosing an animal you might think about how it will look wearing a bowler.
- Up-vote or down-vote other’s nominations. Votes will be tallied, and on Sunday I will unveil our new mascot(s).
Ready? Go!
*But seriously, not the Bobcats or Clippers.
Follow Tod on Twitter, view his archive, or email him.
Obviously it has to be “The Fighting Bowler Hats”.
And since that’s already such a winner, I’ll freely waste my animal suggestion on “Duckbill platypuses”.Report
Plus one for the non-animal mascot.Report
Would it be “platypi?”Report
I thought of that, but prefer “The Duckbill Platypuses” as it sounds sillier.Report
A platypus, for the animal.Report
Down-vote. Platypus’ do not have the image of elegance and sophistication that we on the League wish to cultivate and project. We are gentleman.Report
C’mon, check this out:
That picture is soooo adorable.
I believe Lee meant to say that we are gentlemen AND ladies. But seriously, chicks love baby animals. I have heard people whispering about increasing the female presence around here. Baby platypus in a tiny hat might just do it.Report
Along the lines of platypus, but perhaps more noble, what about Griffins?
I’m partial to mythical beasts, because this place is surreal sometimes.Report
I like the idea of going mythical.Report
But the platypus is mythical.
Could you imagine if something that crazy actually existed?Report
That’s what I said about the tarsier.Report
And that’s what I said about Metta World Peace.Report
Metta World Peace in a monocle?Report
Platypus in a monocle. Monocled monotremes.Report
You know, that’s actually very good. We could render it in the style of E.H. Shepard’s Wind in the Willows illustrations and put it on the banner.
Serious suggestion. I’ll do the artwork myself this summer when I get some free time.Report
That would be awesome.
Though I will need to wait till tomorrow to see if the platypus beats out the tarsier.Report
How about this as a compromise: a be-Bowler-hatted tarsier and a monocled monotreme approach Metta World Peace at the gates of dawn?Report
Hey, if it were up to me the mascot would be Metta World Peace wearing cookie monster pajamas at the monocle.Report
And a monocle.Report
Yes, and of course Metta World Peace would be wearing Cookie Monster pajamas.Report
Yeah, I thought the idea was to be fanciful, not to portray real life.Report
Clearly, for the non-animal we are the Betas… or maybe the Fighting Betas.Report
Animal: Betta fish, duh. Relevant self-deprecating pun + they’re puffing antisocial fighters that can’t get along + would look excellent in a bowler. Win-win-win.
Non-animal: A luge: another pun, that can imply either speeding sleds & spandex, or personal firearms, depending on your preference.Report
Come to think of it, I don’t think we should choose on the luge one, I want a bowler-hatted luger speeding down the course while simultaneously firing a Luger. The most bad-ass icon the LoOG could get.
I am somewhat surprised to find no pictures of Betta fish wearing bowler hats (though we can apparently get rather nice baseball caps). Get on it, internet.Report
The Whiteskins.Report
The Fightin’ Whities!Report
Man, they blew that. What they REALLY should have gone with was “The Privileged Few” and, as a mascot, used a guy in a bowler h… wait a minute…Report
Wow, I had never heard of this. What a great story.Report
OK, for the animal we need to be the Fighting Tarsiers. I think it goes without saying that the tarsier looks good in a bowler hat, because the tarsier looks good in anything.
For the non-animal nickname, how ’bout the Dandies.Report
For non-animal, I almost went Alex DeLarge (you know who ELSE wore a bowler hat…)Report
Awesome! We can have milk bars on campus.Report
you know who ELSE wore a bowler hat…
Lena Olin. Yeah, definitely Lena Olin…
Sorry, what were we talking about?Report
Irina Derevko wore many disguises.
And yeah, Olin is just stupendously sexy.
By which I mean, she is so sexy, that she makes me stupid.
More stupid. Stupider. Muy estupido.Report
Obligatory (possibly slightly nsfw).
“It disguises itself in the forest by pretending to be a small teddy bear… undergoing a colonoscopy.”Report
That video made my week.Report
You’re welcome. If you haven’t seen his other “True Fact” videos, I definitely recommend them.Report
OK, now I must stop. Those videos are eating my day, and I can’t stop watching them.Report
I have now watched every single one of them, masterpieces all.
If I had been meant to have thought up a cure for cancer in the time I otherwise spent watching hilarious videos of fruit bats and ducks, well… I hope you’re proud of yourself, Chris. I hope you’re proud of yourself.Report
You should go back and watch The Show.Report
I kind of imagine Russell as the narrator, trying to keep it together, but can’t help but laughing. There are times professionalism loses out.Report
ZeFrank is one of the greatest treasures of the Internet.Report
That was outstanding. Judges award an extra point to the Tarsier on the basis of that video alone.Report
Chris, Thanks for the link. That little clip made my day.Report
+1 on the tarsier. That video…..just pure win.Report
Upvote the Tarsiers.
Down the Dandies; though it does work with certain recent bloggy-name calling, it’s still too gendered for me to feel included. After all, I’m already dealing with ‘gentlemen.’ (I could change this with an appropriate suggestion of female dandies, however.)Report
I think we should embrace the whole “little guy” concept. There are too many “Oooh, I want to be the Tyrannosauruses!” or similar in these arguments. We should find some small mammals. Voles, maybe. Marmosets. Mice, perhaps. Let’s run with mice.
So we’d be the mice. Our essays, then, would be *FROM* the mice. “Here’s something from the mice!”, we could say at the start of any given symposium.
We should also give it a bit of class, though. Something “European”. Make it sound classy. There have been a number of problems with Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal… we should avoid those. Germany seems to be doing okay. So instead of “from”, we could use “von”.
They’re a bit stern, though. We could add a bit of levity by appealing to Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks and change “mice” to “Meeces” (pronounced pretty close to “me says”).
So the “von meeces” would be my first vote. I think it’d go over pretty well and people would like it.
As for the non-animal icon, I vote for “The Corkscrews”.Report
Dude, I totally embraced the little guy concept, and went with the second smallest primate on the planet. Tarsiers! Tarsiers! Tarsiers!Report
They have creepy eyes.Report
The better to freak out our opponents with!Report
Awesome! Does this mean I can start calling myself “Professor”?
I love the “Fighting Betta” suggestion, but am also drawn to the charms of being “the Voles.” If I were to come up with my own “animal” idea, it would be the non-specific term “the Vectors” because we’re always trying to transmit something and it’s a triumph when something goes viral on the Internet.
For the non-animal, I don’t think you could beat “the Tumblers.”Report
Perhaps an AdjunctReport
For the animal, I’d nominate a Mad Cow bacterium.
For the non-animal, I like Christopher’s idea of the fighting bowler hats.Report
Mad Cow disease is caused by a prion, so it would be a stretch to consider it an animal.Report
Are you the same “Reformed Republican” that is now “LWA”, or another one altogether?Report
Another one altogether, who had no idea the LWA used to be RR.Report
And prior to that I think Hal Jordan was Reformed Republican; and then Alan Scott before him.Report
Maybe I should change to John Stewart.Report
I think we have one of those. Perhaps you could be the new Stephan Colbert instead?Report
Playing off this idea, what if we nominate an actual Mad Cow rather than a bacterium?Report
1. Animal: The English Sheepdogs. Because I like them and it would be unique.
2. Non-Animal: The Monocles. Goes hand in hand with the gentlemen motiff but is less obvious than the bowler hats.Report
I like the monocles.Report
I like Jonathan’s “Fighting Betas,” but I think I can improve on it:
The Fighting Metta Betas. The non-animal embodiment of this nickname would be Metta World Peace* wearing his Cookie Monster pajamas whilst wearing a bowler hat.
For an animal? I nominate this guy, just because I can.
*For those who are not sports fans, Metta World Peace is the name of a basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers whose birth name was Ron Artest. Under the name Ron Artest, he was legendary for his penchant for technical fouls and ejections, as well as his leading role in this:
A summary of his antics both before and after he changed his name to Metta World Peace is here:
That summary does not include a recent incident where he successfully mediated a potentially violent confrontation between some of his friends who were shooting a movie and the police….while wearing Cookie Monster pajamas.
Clearly anyone who changes their name to something including the words “World Peace” and runs around wearing Cookie Monster pajamas is a Beta male. Paradoxically, it is also clear that someone playing the leading role in the infamous Palace Brawl likes to fight. And the propriety of using as a mascot for this site someone with the word “Metta” in his name should go without saying. That the man is also about the most unpredictable human being on the planet is just icing on the cake.Report
He also had a remarkable defensive prowess for a while there.
And one thing we are is defensive as hell.Report
I am not!Report
How about the Idiocrats?
You’ll remember that in the movie Idiocracy, Luke Wilson’s character was completely average in every category. But when he went into the future, we was surrounded by fools, and was the smartest man in the world. Just like the Ordinary Gentlemen who look so much smarter as the online world grows dumber.Report
I nominate The Oily Gladiator as team mascot. Not sure if I lean toward Steve Reeves, Kirk Douglas or one of the new HBO Spartacus guys. Maybe we could have revolving series of oily gladiators. To be PC, we may want to have some female oily gladiators, but this may actually backfire against us. It may be un PC to be PC, if you know what I mean.Report
This may sound rude and attacking. If it is, please note that I count myself first and foremost in those who the attack would be true of.
Animal: Peacock (Is it just me, or is there a lot of pride here? Not just in all you, or some of you, but in me too. A kind of pride at saying wise things, or something.)
Non-Animal: A bespectacled nerd, like Professor Frink from the Simpsons.
A nerdy peacock with glasses and a pocket protector might be the best possible mascot.Report
Is it just me, or is there a lot of pride here?
I think it’s something of a prerequisite for posting in a public forum like this, even under a pseudonym. But I’m assuming there are plenty of lurkers here — should the mascot be expected to represent them as well?Report
Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?Report
Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?Report
I think that the best animal mascot for the League of Ordinary Gentleman University would be the fox. In folklore, foxes are known for their cleverness and wit. The League is known on the internet for their cleverness and wit. Foxes are often associated with upper-classness and would naturally look good in bowler because of that. Another advantage to foxes is that they are under-represented in the world of mascots.
For the non-animal mascot, I’d go with the a bowler since we already selected it as a mascot.Report
I don’t know why but the first animal I thought of in a bowler was an otter and lo and behold I found this image
That said I’m down with Tarsiers as well non animal mascot the Bowler followed closely by the MonoclesReport
Didn’t Erik (or someone) have that as his gravatar or twitter pic or something?Report
So Erik is the the one planting subliminal messages in my brainReport
I’m pretty sure he’s done it to all of us. I worry about when he activates our programming and forces us to take over the world.Report
Upvote for otter, I immediately thought it too. Otters are smart, fun and playful creatures who can’t help but engage in a certain amount of naval gazing.Report
For the non-animal, John Steed seems to be the obvious choice.Report
Did Mrs. Peel ever playfully wear his bowler? And if so, does anyone (please, please, please) have a link?Report
For you, sir:
Diana Rigg has that effect on many of us. According to TV Tropes, Emma Peel has her origins when the writers were told to create a character with Male Appeal. This was written down as M. Appeal and eventually Emma Peel. The writers certainly did a good job.Report
Non-animal: The Ordinary Bowler. I like the pretense of being ‘middle class,’ and it’s a construction of leagues going all the way from the trailer park to the boardroom. (Candle pin or big ball?)
Animal: Water Buffalo. Big creature gets treated with respect, there’s some wisdom on board. Plus the cheese is awesome. No factory farms for water buffalo; they range free and independent and dispense both fertilizer and wisdom; sorta libertarian, in my view. But from a conservative culture with religious practices that can vere toward the liberal. I see this Water Buffalo as an incantation of the bull in Guy Gavriel Kay’s Sarantine Mosaic, so a bonus mythical creature.
I am, of course, one of the mechanical birds.Report
The Tasmanian Wombat. He spends a lot of time with his head (and body) in the ground.
They also happen to be cute, something I’m sure most of LOOG are surely not. 🙂
Ha, ha! The emoticon totally makes the pointless insults OK! Well played, Damon. Well played.Report
There is a picture of a nerdy, glasses wearing peacock, here (I like the hearts, too):
I’m upvoting the Bowler Hat and the Betta Fish too. In fact, if we could put a bowler hat (and a monocole! and a cane!) on a Betta fish, that would be about perfect.Report
Now don’t be silly. No cane, he doesn’t have any feet! A fish in hat and a monocle I can believe, but a cane? That’s just crazy talk.Report
For the animal i choose the Great Auk. mostly because i was in knowledge bowl in HS and remember the great dead bird in a professors outfit. which fits the place. cultured, smart, and judging from the rest of the internet dead.
non-animal? i got nothing. but love the metta world peace ideas dogs.Report