Daily Archive: April 17, 2013

It’s Getting Hot, No?

Things have been a little heated ’round these parts lately, it seems.  It’s almost as if someone wrote a post about race in which he told a bunch of people they weren’t allowed to...

Payday Lending – Some Thoughts

There was an interesting discussion in the comments section of this post about payday loans.  I assume everyone here knows what they are, but just in case someone does not, payday loans are short-term loans of...

Dude–You’re Divorced!

Thank you Mark Sanford for returning to politics. We surely need the laughs. You’ve got to love his explanation as to why he entered his ex-wife’s house without permission in violation of their divorce...

On Reinhart and Rogoff

As Nob deftly noted, there was big news on Tuesday as an influential 2010 study by professors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff was found, to put it lightly, to be deeply flawed. The paper’s conclusions...

Adventures in Customer Service

We often use the phrase “customer service” ironically, drawing attention to the lack of service provided and a dwindling view of the customer.  But, sometimes, customer service works exactly as it should, if not...