Revolting!…but I need more.
David’s post has made me think about how I find answers to my hobbies. Particularly of politics.
My reaction to blogging:
Consider this an open thread.
by Nob Akimoto · December 4, 2012
Nob Akimoto
Nob Akimoto is a policy analyst and part-time dungeon master. When not talking endlessly about matters of public policy, he is a dungeon master on the NWN World of Avlis
November 17, 2010
October 4, 2010
July 27, 2016
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to upgrade our service plan. Hopefully this will help us address some of our performance issues.
March 6, 2025
Snug as a Bug in a Rug. Until…
March 5, 2025
March 4, 2025
Movie of a Man seeing Friend Wife off on a Trip
March 4, 2025
That’s always been one of my favorite clips from ST:TNG.
For some reason, I can’t get the League to recognize my login and let me post comments with my Gravatar. I log in, then open the window to comment, and it gives me the combox as if I weren’t logged in. Weird.Report
I get that periodically, too. Usually once I go through the combox rigamarole, for some reason I’m able to log in the regular way.Report
Try clearing your browser cache. If that doesn’t work, restart your browser. If that fails, reboot.
If none of that works, pretend it’s six o’clock and start drinking.Report
pretend it’s six o’clock and start drinking.
Of if you’re in California and it still feels too early, pretend you’re on New York time.Report
I’m big on observing Grennwich Mean Time in those situations.Report
A philosophy I used to hear often: “It’s always happy hour somewhere.”Report
I thought everyone knew that Happy Hour inherently has a transitive property.Report
“I am full of holy joy and free booze,” said Cobbler. “I feel moved to sing. It is very wrong to resist an impulse to sing; to hold back a natural evacuation of joy is as injurious as to hold back any other natural issue. It makes a man spiritually costive, and plugs him up with hard, caked, thwarted merriment. This, in the course of time, poisons his whole system and is likely to turn him into that most detestable of beings, a Dry Wit. God grant that I may never be a Dry Wit. Let me ever be a Wet Wit! Let me pour forth what mirth I have until I am utterly empty — a Nit Wit.”
–Robertson DaviesReport
Nice job in erasing the sub-blogs. Just hope that no one cached the “Dutch Courage” posting. It’s just sad that there was not some type of apology from the author instead of a quicck and quiet whitewash.Report
If this is indeed what happened (and it appears that way), I hope we get an explanation.Report
Patience is a virtueReport
There may be a more official explanation later; for now know that the removing of the post was a management/editorial decision.
For now, I’ll just offer my personal apologies to anyone offended.Report
It was either that or a spectacularly specific and providential hard disk failure.Report
I trust the powers that be. I’m just one for transparency. I also stepped away long enough that a whole bunch could have happened that I’m not aware of, which is why I’m seeking information if there is information to give and if I’m appropriate to receive it.Report
OK, now I’m curious. What happened? And did it involve slaying kittens?Report
Transparency is good. In this case it feels like a situation that was caught and corrected early. I worry that too much spotlight would have the opposite effect of the one desired when we made the decision to take it down.Report
I guess I’m just curious about how deletion = correction but I’ll just trust the process and leave well enough alone.Report
A deletion does not equal a correction. A correction is what you publish after you have reported erroneous information as fact; this did not require a correction.Report
Sorry, I was referring to your statement that this “feels like a situation that was caught and corrected early.” It seems as if it was “corrected” by “deleting the post”. But I am coming off as needlessly combative and I don’t mean to be so my apologies for creating (or continuing) an issue that need not be.Report
Did I miss something?Report
Only a trainwreck in the making as far as I can tell.Report
What do you expect, with your hat over your eyes like that?Report
space awesomeReport
Nothing worth mentioning. But I see in me short League vacation I missed yet another fabulous new avatar by you. This one might be my fave, newlywed gal.Report
awww shucks I’m blushing under the hat…really I amReport
It’s like LoOG meets Unbearable Lightness of Being. It should be our honorary logo.
My tree now feels sadly pedestrian.Report
Yes, but your current gravatar is awesome, as only the second no-longer-existing-NBA-team logo ever used as a gravatar on the League.Report
What was the first? And whose was it?Report
Piston manReport
Mine, but nobody ever figured it out.
And folks here think they know sports. Sheesh.Report
Yes, Anne. Your gravatar is so awesome that mine drinks a toast to it.Report
Sláinte, Jason and thanks you guys really know how to make a girl feel welcomedReport