Honest Food
Hank Shaw is a blogging friend of mine and he runs the popular site Hunter Angler Gardner Cook. He is also the author of a wild game cookbook that I highly recommend. One of...
Hank Shaw is a blogging friend of mine and he runs the popular site Hunter Angler Gardner Cook. He is also the author of a wild game cookbook that I highly recommend. One of...
Political ads are like soft drink ads. They don’t have anything to do with facts or the inherent quality of a product,[1] they’re really just designed to make you feel an emotion that probably isn’t deserved...
I’ve been hearing nothing but bad stuff about Sandy all weekend. I’m hoping that this is another one of those instances where the news media, looking for a sexy new story to entice us...
*Spoiler Alert: Do not read this post or the comment section if you have not seen the show. Also, for those who have read the comics, please do not discuss plot elements not revealed on the...
Hurricane Sandy is about to slam into the East Cost, potentially causing flooding and damage from the Carolinas to Maine. My own home state, West Virginia, was once vaguely threatened by its arrival, although...