On the sizes of boxes to use if you must put people in boxes midweek jukebox and open thread
I was going to make this the Wednesday song on Mindless Diversions but then I listened to it again. Well, you know.
So. What’s been going on? Anything?
by Jaybird · August 22, 2012
Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com
May 24, 2021
December 28, 2012
November 7, 2014
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to upgrade our service plan. Hopefully this will help us address some of our performance issues.
February 28, 2025
February 26, 2025
Movie of a Street Snow Shoveler
February 25, 2025
Somebody is Always Taking the Joy out of Life
February 24, 2025
Well, at least for me, I’ve learned that if I try to go for meta commenting-on-commenting comments, I should go with my first idea and do it twenty or thirty times with every name I can think of. Because, apparently, somebody quoting and replying to himself isn’t enough to make it obvious that someone’s playing Silly Buggers.Report
Try your first idea and then, holding that, ask “how can I go meta from *HERE*?”Report
Sometimes I’m like the guy at open mike night who just goes up and stands there, silent and unmoving, for five minutes, and is genuinely upset that you don’t get it.Report
Wait, you’re Andy Kaufman?
Now I can collect on my bet that that whole death thing was just non-performance art.Report
I tore the interior walls off of 2/3rd of my garage and 1/4 of the ceiling.Report
It’s always so satisfying when you do something like that yourself. (Although as with any recreational activity I’m sure I’d feel differently if it were my job.)Report
It would be a lot more satisfying if the guy who installed the drywall ceiling had properly screened over the vents to keep rats out of the attic space created therein.
Well, it’s still pretty satisfying, especially the knowledge that when I’m done I can work in the man cave I’ve been promising myself since we put the offer in on this house, but the work is a hundred billion times more disgusting than I was expecting it to be. And it’s damn hot to be wearing a respirator the whole time. Ugh.Report
My goodness. Good luck with that.Report
I worked for a small remodeling company in St. Francisville for ten years and some of the houses we fixed had not been lived in for years. We have a word for the nasty stuff that falls out of ceilings, ‘gradeaux’. I have seen everything from mouse poop to dead cats to water moc skins. At times it got scarey.Report
I enjoyed that. Thanks.Report
He’s one of my favorites. His recent stuff is political and preachy (rather than merely “I’ve been thinking about stuff…”) but, dang, his early stuff makes me laugh and then get into arguments over this or that or the other throwaway line from a verse in the middle.Report
I liked the sound of the song and all that, but the lyrics struck me as a bit odd. I wasn’t giving it my full attention, so maybe I missed something mroe going on, but whenever I caught a lyric or a handful in a row, it seemed really simplistic and a bit cheesey. Did I miss it? I probably missed it.
I’m shitty when it comes to music.Report
It’s Dan Bern. He could easily be dismissed as a novelty act.Report
See… I don’t know who Dan Bern is.
I recently shared an artist on Spotify with a friend. He’s one of those music aficionados who know bands and genres I’ve never even heard of (I’m still not sure what dub step is)… I had to include a disclaimer that the person I was recommending might be the #1 recording artist in the world, so if he already knows all her songs, I can’t be held responsible.Report
I’m still not sure what dub step is
I’m relatively confident you’re messing with me.
I will say this… at one point during that, I turned the sound up on my mac. I could not discern the little sound-effect the mac made from the “music” he was playing.Report
As I understand it, “lyric” refers collectively to all the words to a song—e.g., that song’s lyric struck me as a bit odd.
I realize that most people use it differently, such that a song has “lyrics” instead of “a lyric.” But it’s not entirely clear to me what “lyric” in the singular means when it’s used this way. Is it a single word? A line? A verse?Report
Hmmm… I’ll confess to being wholly ignorant of any formal definition or usage of the word.
I’ve always thought the “lyrics” of a song were the totality of the words in it, and an individual lyric was a line or full thought. I guess sort of like a musical version of a sentence? Again, I’m a total music noob.
If lyric is as you say it is (and I have no reason to think otherwise), then I suppose I meant to use the word “line(s)”.Report
Well, it’s mostly I and a handful of other grizzled reactionaries who use it that way. Originally a lyric was a type of poem. Then the term was applied to a poem set to music, i.e. a song’s lyric. Somehow it came to be used primarily in the plural colloquially, leaving the singular in a sort of definitional limbo.Report
A former client offered me a gig too good to walk past and I will probably be going to New Orleans. Something about Sr. SOA Architect but basically my job will be to play with new technologies for the foreseeable future. This means I’ll be leaving my beloved Augusta.
Had a nice long run up north but I’d always wanted to end up in Louisiana. Up here, if your great-grandfather didn’t take a dump in an outhouse in this county, you’re a newcomer. Down there, though I’d never been there in my life, the Cajun people made me feel chez eux, welcome among them.
Though the tourists might be fooled, New Orleans isn’t really Cajun. You need to get out of town to find the Cajuns, but not far. Though I’ve been there a few times, I can’t say I know NOLA. The g/f will be in school up here for another semester. I’ll be flying her back and forth. Well, we’d always planned on going to Louisiana eventually. Didn’t think it would involve being separated for a while. Sigh.
Another lonely park, another Sunday
Why is it life turns out that wayReport
Being separated sucks. I go crazy after about day two. Good luck.Report
New Orleans is much more Creole than Cajun. It’s also very different from what it was 7 years ago.
Also, Creole people will call you “baby” with a pronunciation that is impossible to replicate (something like, but not quite identical to, “beh-beh”). I’m convinced it has a phoneme that doesn’t exist in any other English dialect, because no one else seems to be able to say it like they do.Report
Are you from New Orleans? Cajun isn’t exactly rural, but it has never been a cosmopolitan culture. I get a strong feeling of the Caribbean about NOLA.
So I’m sitting in a bar in NOLA, hear French spoken along the bar. I lapse back into French, ask them where they’re from. Home port Marseilles, they reply. If there’s any of the old Creole culture left, I haven’t seen any — or more precisely heard any of it. Heard plenty of French south of I-10 and up to Mamou but none in New Orleans.
Truth is, the people I befriended in Baton Rouge back in 2003 told me to steer clear of New Orleans at first, get to know the rest of the state. New Orleans, they told me, was a completely different animal. They were right, I believe.
I returned to Baton Rouge in 2010. The city was a shadow of what I’d known in 2003. Goes to show how dangerous maintaining illusions can be: looked around for a local gig, the economy was in terrible shape. Decided to come up here to make a go of it with my g/f. Life’s perverse: after two years, sorta settling down here, the job I’ve always wanted turns up in New Orleans.Report
Blaise, not from New Orleans, but two of my best friends here in Austin are from there (Katrina evacuees who never went back), and we all go a few times a year to visit another, mutual friend who moved back about 4 years ago (she lived in Austin for a couple years after Katrina). Also, my girlfriend likes the casinos.
Much of the Creole is gone now, because it was on the East side, which is partially or completely gone. But it still has a bigger presence than Cajun culture. The only Cajun I remember seeing, pre-Katrina, was in the French Quarter at the bars where Cajun music was always playing. I don’t think there’s any more than that now, but I don’t get down to the French Quarter very often when I go (and when I do, it’s usually during the day to get some food).
Also, I love all of Southern Louisiana, particularly Baton Rouge (where I had the best crawfish sandwich in the world), but the only thing New Orleans shares with the rest of Southern Louisiana is the French names and the amazing seafood.
Damnit, now I want some crawfish etouffee.Report
With as many post Katrina exiles Austin has I find it hard to believe that one can’t find Louisiana crawfish in Austin.Report
Well, you can get OK to good Cajun and Creole food here, but the seafood is rarely very fresh.
I probably eat boiled crawfish here 4 times a year, using the time in between to let my mouth heal.Report
Frozen crawfish is quite acceptable. Most any Walmart store with a frozen section carries them.Report
When I was a kid, I lived out in the country and there were two creeks that passed through my back yard. Both of these creeks were filled with crawdads (or crawdaddies, depending on how country you wanna git up in here), and the neighborhood kids, my friends and I, spent a lot of time catching them and playing with them. I remember being told, for years, that the little ones hurt worse than the big ones. So one day, I took a big one, with one giant pincher, and let it pinch me on the finger. I quickly learned that the big ones hurt much, much worse than the little ones (and that the big ones don’t like to let go).
Anyway, one time there was a painter in the neighborhood who was in the process of painting the kitchen of a neighbor’s house, and he saw a few of us catching crawdads in one of the creeks. He was an avid fisherman, it turns out, and told us that he’d pay us a nickle for every crawdad that we brought him. Dollar signs flashed before our eyes, and we spent the rest of the day catching hundreds of crawdads and putting them into a large metal bucket. We didn’t get back until he’d finished painting for the day and left the neighborhood, so we decided to put the crawdads in my parents’ garage for the night, so we could give them to him and collect our fortune in the morning when he got to work. Now, keep in mind, this was the middle of summer in Tennessee, so it was rather hot in that garage, and the water in the bucket was stagnant, which is to say, we had not placed them in the ideal environment for crawfish viability.
The next morning, as my Dad went in the garage to leave for work, my brother and I heard him yell a few words that we almost never heard come from his mouth, and then watched as he ran back into the house. Over night, every single crawdad in that bucket had died, and now the entire garage smelled like, well, like every single crawdad in that bucket had died. My Dad demanded that we drop what we put down our cereal spoons and remove that bucket from the garage immediately.
It was a big bucket, and we were small children, so in addition to the horrible smell in the closed garage and the awful site of a couple hundred crawdads belly up and white, we suffered the water, and therefore the smell (and, to us, the sight) splashing all over us the entire way as we moved the bucket from the garage to the nearest creek. I swear that smell clung to me the rest of the day.
Anyway, I tell you all of that to explain why, for me, extremely fresh crawfish is an absolute necessity, because it doesn’t take much to bring back the memory of that awful smell and sight. For years I couldn’t eat crawfish at all. I’m nauseated now just thinking about it.Report
Blaise, I think one of the Nevilles, I forget which one, had it right when he said that New Orleans is not a southern city, but the northernmost Caribbean city. Whatever one thinks of Louisiana, there are two things we do well. We party better than most and we can win national championships without starting a riot.
Also, welcome back.Report
Heh. I had written the same thing about the Caribbean, got up for a cup of coffee and cook some late breakfast, finished up the comment, only to find your comment.
I remain a steadfast LSU fan.Report
+100. New Orleans was America’s international city.
Now she stands a hollow shadow of herself, and
America is all the poorer for it.Report
This means I’ll be leaving my beloved Augusta.
Just because they finally let some women in?Report
Heh. It’s country here, but it ain’t no country club.Report
I apparently got food poisoning. I am laid low low low since about 3am. I have never to my knowledge had this happen before – I am one of those people who has thrown up like 6 times since 1995, and each one of those was preceded by alcohol excess. There are all kinds of weird disgusting things going on. So everyone who believes in karma, Merry Christmas; and could those of you that don’t believe in waiting for karma, please put your little Glyph-marked bowler hat voodoo dolls away? I promise I will play nice.Report
Here’s hoping it passes quickly.Report
Drink lots of fluids.Report
The wife is on her way with Sprite and, crucially, green Gatorade, which is sickly sweet under normal circumstances but due to childhood associations is necessary whenever I get sick (usually with colds & fevers). It has just been a complete gastrointestinal Hiroshima up in here. I think it was the leftover stuffed grape leaves I had for dinner.Report
Get real ginger beer.
Also: that sucks.Report
And get enough so that when you are feeling better, you can make Dark & Stormies.Report
Oh, and I hope you’re on the mend soon! One of the (few) good things about food poisoning is that it generally is over in a day or two.Report
And now I’m wondering what could possibly be the other good things about food poisoning.Report
Offhand I can think of two:
1.) Mom has been keeping the kids away from Dad. While I love my little ones, and am not overall enjoying this at all, I HAVE gotten several brief catnaps, the first in years.
2.) Those fancy colonics the Hollywood types rave about? They got nothing on this for rebooting the system. Pretty sure I saw gum swallowed during the Carter Admin. So there’s that.Report
Gatorade and Peppermint Schnapps. We called them “Wildcats”.
No, we didn’t.
I just made that up.Report
We had a bottle of Bundaberg rum we brought back from Australia and we found a place that imports their ginger beer, so we made authentic Australian “Dahk and Stoormies” for a good long while (which are different from authentic Jamaican Dark and Stormies).
The bottle is gone. It is a sad thing.Report
I’ve had their ginger beer. It’s good, but I prefer the Reed’s Extra Ginger.Report
Thanks Patrick.
Seriously, it’s like young Fulci, Friedkin and Peter Jackson art-directed my morning.Report
As long as a worm isn’t eating your head, they haven’t gone too far.
Here’s hoping you’re at least dealing with just a one-ender. Okay, now this conversation is drifting into too much information territory.Report
As to the worm, I will have to get a mirror and check. I am ruling nothing out.
And, no. It is not by any stretch a ‘one-ender.’
Sorry, but you asked 🙁Report
Man, it is not your week. Feel better.
And I do try to use my powers for good. Mostly.Report
Thanks Mike.Report
I’ll be playing in the Utah Open golf tournament alongside Mike Weir, your 2003 Masters Champion (before Augusta went both ways). Actually, I tee off about an hour in front of him, so I like to think he’ll be chasing me for the entirety of the tournament.Report