Monthly Archive: June 2012

A Clash of Models

Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on inequality. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far, click here. Whenever...

Civilization: Endgame

I’m a huge fan of the Civilization series of computer games (also the board game upon which they’re totally not based, right, Sid?) This might be the greatest CivII-related thing I’ve ever seen.

The Artist as Judge

Some months ago, I wrote of Marilynne Robinson that, Regardless of her political preferences, her worldview, in its starkly Calvinist way, and insofar as it’s expressed in those novels and Absence of Mind, is...

Contempt Of Court

One of the reasons I’m (slowly) working my way through the great and politically important cases in the Supreme Court’s history can be seen in high relief in a New York Times/CBS poll released...