Sometimes, the nuttiness of the world goes from making me shake my head to making me shake my head until I stop and then… channeling my inner teenager, I muse… “Hey, that’s actually kind of weirdly awesome.”
This is one of those times.
Wyoming state representative Lorraine Quarberg (R-Thermopolis) has proposed Wyoming House Bill 85, which will prepare Wyoming for the day that the USA collapses. It includes an amendment proffered by Rep. Kermit Brown, which establishes a task force to investigate “conditions under which the state of Wyoming should implement a draft, raise a standing army, marine corps, navy and air force and acquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier.”
(edited to add)
Kevin Underhill reports my inner teenager’s dream has been crushed.
By the way, if you don’t read Kevin Underhill, you really should.
It’s really the world that ought to be making preparations for the coming of Wyomingian(?) Sea Power.Report
…the decision to put on hold (for now) any plans to purchase an aircraft carrier being merely an indication of this nascent power’s strategic prudence.Report
Does Wyomingian rhyme with Merovingian? Because that would be awesome if it did.Report
What I find most astounding is that if you link to the bill, this isn’t just a thing some guy did. This is being sponsored by twelve Wyoming Reps or Senators.
This is going to be one of those stories that turns out to be a hoax, right?Report
I imagine this is probably more along the lines of, “one of those things where Bob and Charlie get a stack of paper from an intern who says, ‘Alice asked for you to sign this’, and they say ‘Okay’.”
I can easily see signing this thing just to get it past the first hurdle, only to vote against it. At least it would break up the day.Report
Wyoming – oil and gas state – global warming – rising sea levels – massive population shifts – standing army – navy to protect the Bay of Rock Springs. Seems reasonable. The real tell is whether Kermit is buying property near Big Piney.Report
Wyoming is way behind. Some states have had a plan for years…Report
> Wyoming
> navy
HAHAHAHA, the aircraft carrier Jack Twist will stop them Russkies from establishing a beachhead on Yellowstone Lake!!!Report
Sadly it’s not gonna happen.Report