Daily Archive: February 8, 2012

Militancy and Nation-Building…

Yes, I’m well aware, dear reader that I promised in some respects to not be an “all war, all the time” IR blogger. This does not preclude me from making an occasional observation on...

More Police Brutality

“The police are people who give help each and every day If you’d like to help people, then joining the police is A-okay!   ‘Cause people helping other people is what this world’s about,...

The Panel Decision

When a big case is released, I want to read it right away. But unfortunately, courts release big cases at precisely the time lawyers are working. So it’s taken me a day to digest...

A (Long) Musing On The New Contraception Rule

There’s been a long and somewhat intense discussion going on in the comments over at Kyle’s sub-blog about the Obama administration’s rule requiring Catholic institutions to provide coverage for contraception in their health care...

Can Free Markets and Unions Thrive Together?

One of the more common second-order views held by libertarians is that unions and free markets are antithetical to each other, and indeed that unions are inherently hostile towards free markets.  This view goes...