Monthly Archive: October 2011

Fools in Dorne

I can’t find it in myself to like Ser Arys Oakheart, or feel sad for him. I just finished the chapter (SPOILERS) where Arianne’s rebellion fails. I know I’m supposed to feel pity for...

Using a Phone

Dear Everyone in the First World: Since many of you seem to have a small difficulty with the use of telecommunications devices in spite of their ubiquity, I’m going to offer two pieces of...

Online Universities

My co-blogger has some excellent thoughts up about online univerisities and non-traditional students. I think it’s front page material. Please take a visit to Not A Potted Plant and give him your thoughts and...

Keeping It Simple

I’m more than happy to discuss theoretical or abstract political philosophy, but here’s something to celebrate: the worldwide decline of conscription. Arguing about borderline cases or difficult calls in the theory of coercion is...