Monthly Archive: October 2011

Some, Many, and Most

While flipping through yesterday’s New York Times I hit upon this piece which gave me pause.  For a number of reasons it didn’t sit right with me, and I was happy to see Glen...

Are You In for NaNoWriMo?

Hey there, folks – for those of you interested in playing the National Novel Writing Month game, we’ve set up a mailing list for encouragement, support, and venting. You can join here. Happy writing!

On Paths Taken: A League Census

One of the questions I sometimes get in the real world when discussing the League of Ordinary Gentlemen is why a libertarian blog would ever have me be a contributor. (This question is a...

Take One Down, Pass It Around…

From HuffPo, a speech by Perry making the rounds – not because of its content, but because he appears to have had a few too many before getting up to the podium.  But here’s...

Anti-Heroics with a Side of Boredom

William Brafford wonders about the meaning behind the rise of the anti-hero in the television shows favored by certain audiences (and, not to point the finger at myself too much, by a certain writer). ...

Democracy, Coercion, & Liberty

I’m afraid that in our recent discussion of democracy and coercion the conversation tended to hew toward the relative merits of democracy rather than on what I think was my more important point: namely,...

The New Colossus

~by wardsmith The Statue of Liberty turned 125 yrs old on Friday the 28th of Oct. These words were inscribed in the Statue of Liberty in 1903: The New Colossus Not like the brazen...

Weekend Navel Gazing: Old Boys Clubs

Commenter Ktward writes And so I’m wondering, E.D.: If you weren’t speaking to Forbes readers and the Boys Club that is the League (not a criticism, simply an observation), might your take on OWS...

No, Tyrion isn’t just like me

A little while ago both Erik and myself were giggling over this clip of Ben in Parks and Recreation passionately casting down the idea that HBO’s Game of Thrones would ever be canceled. Ben...

Friday Jukebox

I am currently surrounded by innumerable and extraordinarily high stacks of case law printouts and briefs, looking forward to a weekend of the same.  But moments ago, my good friend Mr. Jimmy Cliff came...

Unions and the Occupy Movement

I recently compared the Occupy Movement to the New Left, but it’s truly striking how different the former’s relationship is with organized labor. The New Left assailed societal bureaucratization and powerful elites, including potentates...

Who is Mitt Romney anyway?

Like the White House, it seems that the media has decided that, momentary signs of life notwithstanding, Rick Perry will not be defeating Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination next year, that we will have...

Reining In the SWAT

I decided to make my inaugural front page post a relatively short one. For those of you who know me, skip this paragraph. For those of you who don’t know me, I am a...

Comment Rescue: Mike & The Police

Mike asks: > Absolute power corrupts absolutely – > or is it more complicated than that? It’s more complicated than that. Social organizations of any type represent aggregated power. This is true whether you’re...