Daily Archive: September 2, 2011

George Lucas Strikes Back

“American works of art belong to the American public; they are part of our cultural history. People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise...

Optimism Inc.

Me: Not to sound like too much of an optimist – because resource depletion does keep me up nights, too – but I do think innovation and green technology and new ways of crafting...

Ron Paul and Libertarianism

Will Wilkinson makes a telling observation about Ron Paul: Yet it irks me that, as far as most Americans are concerned, Ron Paul is the alpha and omega of the libertarian creed. If you...

Kevin Drum’s Jobs Plan

Kevin Drum wants a $1 trillion infrastructure investment to kick-start the economy. I think that even if you take the stimulus argument out of the picture – infrastructure investment is slow and not exactly...