The problem with tasers
Let’s have a law and order open thread. Over at Forbes I talk about the latest in police-taser abuses (hat-tip to Patrick at Popehat for that one). It’s one of those stories you wish you’d never heard.
Also, some music:
Still, writing about police abuse and SWAT raids and the war on drugs is less depressing (somehow) than writing about education.
Here’s my two cents from a couple of weeks ago:
Thanks, Steve. Good post.Report
I dunno, let’s never ever ever consider the one thing that might work.Report
In the video there is an occupant of a house who gets shot and killed. Which is disturbing enough. But those whose job it is to defend cops will be quick to point out that a cop who sees someone making a threatening gesture is justified in using his weapon to defend himself. There isn’t nearly enough video in this clip to tell whether what we saw was a righteous kill, or a murder.Report
Well Radley’s a good one to turn to on that count.Report