Quote for the Day
“I believe you have a great thing. The great thing is, you have a president for four or eight years, and then out. If you are an enemy of the minister of culture and...
“I believe you have a great thing. The great thing is, you have a president for four or eight years, and then out. If you are an enemy of the minister of culture and...
So what’d everyone think of A Golden Crown? I actually haven’t watched it yet because I don’t get HBO so I have to wait a day for bootleg versions to show up online but,...
Adam Ozemik: Think about beliefs that you hold and imagine yourself changing your mind. Literally imagine waking up tomorrow with a changed mind and imagine how you would or wouldn’t discuss changing your mind...
Of course. I’ve always wondered, incidentally, if Barry McGuire was ever tempted to pen a follow-up song for Eve of Destruction. Maybe, “(Okay, we’re not quite on the) Eve of Destruction”.
Before we begin, here are some links that will help you follow along as God calls his children home. Or as Harold Camping endures the worst disappointment of his life. Or, conceivably, both. Links...
Ken at Popehat takes advantage of the revelation that the outrageously outrageing story of the mom giving her 8-year old beauty pageant daughter Botox treatments was a complete hoax to put forth a helpful...
Have we found a cure for lovesickness yet? Judging by our dramatic works, one might guess we had. Fictional characters seem to suffer all sorts of exaggerated ‘conflicts’- from owing the mob money they...
If John Demjanjuk’s conviction is—as seems likely—the final act of an international quest for justice that began shortly after the first Allied troops gazed in horror at the newly “liberated” death camps, it will...
Greetings League! Before I write any more I’d like to extend special thanks to E.D. Kain for giving me the opportunity to write here. Hopefully I won’t disappoint. Anyway, my name is Daniel and...
When do we call a slave a slave? The question came up recently when Rand and Ron Paul described a right to health care as leading, ultimately, to slavery: Wrote Matt Yglesias: [W]hen I...
In my previous post on this topic, I concluded with a warning that, if the UN recognizes Palestinian statehood, it needs to make this recognition contingent on Palestinian recognition of Israel’s right to exist—saying,...
“This is not a conflict about 1967 but about 1948, when the State of Israel was established,” said Netanyahu. “The Palestinians call this a day of catastrophe, but their catastrophe is that their leadership...
So commenter Daniel and I are going to be hosting a book club for Game of Thrones here at The League. Recent discussions of the show have been a lot of fun, so we...
As the narrator turns his eye to Grant’s first Eastern campaign—the Forty Days—the shift is from chivalry to butchery, or even from an older war closer to our myths to something more terrible because...
The Lost Patrol, sounding like a faint echo of themselves (I still prefer Off Like a Prom Dress):
The mists of the Absolute were in turmoil. Lightning rent the infinite void. Shiva the Destroyer — always the flightiest of the trimurti — was divinely pissed off. “Those wretched heathens! I can’t believe...
~by Elias Isquith James Joyner’s got a piece up at The Atlantic called “How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology” — and it’s a total disaster. From start-to-finish, the article is ill-conceived and under-thought and it...
The Economist surveys the Arab press on the death of Osama bin Laden and finds one pan-Arab newspaper reporting the encouraging hearsay that he was already yesterday’s news in much of the Arab world:...
Here’s the quiz. I scored a (Libertarian)/Authoritarian (-7.38) and Left/(Right) (.5) which puts me pretty far to the social-libertarian side of the spectrum, and just a tiny bit to the right. I don’t think...