Monthly Archive: March 2011

Toward a norm of humanitarian intervention

by Creon Critic Several senior diplomats warn of genocide and, at minimum, crimes against humanity. Their concerns are corroborated by defecting military personnel, pilots and naval officers, who tell of orders to target civilians....

The US prepares for war with Libya

This is bad news: As loyalist Libyan forces bomb the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, the United States is pushing the United Nations to authorize not only a no-fly zone but airstrikes against Libyan tanks...


by Jaybird Back in the late 90?s, Peter Molyneux still knew how to make games. Two of the best ones were Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper II. The basic idea behind the games was...

The Problem of Devil

by Alex Knapp Fred Clark continues his discussion of Hell by discussing the idea that demons are employees: Let’s stipulate that the damned are to be tortured for eternity. OK, then, who exactly will be...

Ides of March

~ by Burt Likko Thanks to the spirit of revolution spreading from Tunisia to Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and to a more limited extent to places like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Morocco, we’ve seen what...

Objects and Animals

Our fantasy is that until the industrial era domesticated animals were treated decently. Maybe that’s true, and maybe it isn’t; but certainly they weren’t turned out by the tens of thousands as if they...

Our man in Fukushima

Christopher Carr, a commenter and occasional guest contributor here at the League, was in Fukushima when the Tsunami hit. I don’t know Chris personally, but he was one of our regulars – a sharp, even-keeled...

Free Market as Forest

I’m a believer in free markets. Indeed, my support for organized labor is largely due to what I’ve been referring to as front-end-redistribution (negotiated between management and labor) as opposed to back-end redistribution (top-down...

The IDF’s “mystique”

Below, J. L. notes that Operation Cast Lead was partly a response to the perceived loss of IDF prestige following the 2006 Lebanon incursion. I guess this is right, but I feel like every...

Israel in 2008 and America in 2011

In the summer of 2006, Israel sent forces into Lebanon.  The strike, while tactically successful, failed on two terms: on the diplomatic level, where Israel began to turn a number of lukewarm friends into...

The Final Revival of Opal and Nev

The Return of “F-cksaw Gate”

For those following the recent sex-ed controversy at Northwestern University (written about here by our own J. L. Wall), the professor in question was recently interviewed by Esquire.