Daily Archive: November 15, 2010

The virtues of Caligula

The manner in which I depicted Nerva in the latter of the two bizarre pieces of nonsense I have written so far today – not counting e-mails – was inspired by John Gieldud’s performance...

Music Break

I notice it’s okay to take music breaks on this blog. Since I have a degree in music from Berklee College of Music, I will use my authority to subject y’all to my tastes....

Nonsensical assertion of the day

Over at Commentary’s website, some person named J. E. Dyer opens a discussion on the Israeli settlement situation with a passing reference to “the generally left-leaning Economist,” which has endorsed George W. Bush, Margaret...

Free advertising

I was going to write up a parody ad for whatever it is that Apple is launching tomorrow but then it occurred to me that this is a company that advertised the advent of...

The Four Loko Moral Panic Continues

Jacob Sullum writes: Every alcoholic beverage is “potentially hazardous,” and none will ever be proven “safe,”… But there’s no question that a can of Four Loko, which has less alcohol than a bottle of...

Campaign Finance, Ideology, and Doubt

This month’s Cato Unbound is on campaign finance disclosure law. It’s been a fun one to watch as editor, and it certainly runs the gamut of opinion. There’s my colleague John Samples, who worries...

Did the Stimulus Fail?

Despite the $3/4 trillion fiscal stimulus package, the economic recovery is still halting and slow.  While most observers seem to treat this as evidence of just how bad the recession really was, I think...

What sort of country do you want to live in?

Perhaps a country where airport security can inflict this upon your children: The reporter, also the father, has a pretty level-headed approach to this whole thing. I imagine I would have been arrested for...