Daily Archive: November 8, 2010

The Final Revival of Opal and Nev

Underestimating the internet

While Joe Carter and I decide how to proceed with the debate in a more specific and purposeful manner than I’ve provided for thus far, I’d like to bring attention to this Newsweek article...

Welcome to the Moorfield Storey Institute

Longtime online friend Jim Peron launched a new project over the weekend — a blog for the Moorfield Storey Institute. Here are some highlights from the first few posts: The classical liberal founders of...

Formatting update

So there’s been lots of good feedback from commenters and writers on the new formatting. Basically what I’m trying to achieve is something that looks very much like the old format, but with more...

Private Arbitration and Islamic Law

In one of the recent threads on the supposed “threat” of sharia law and the resulting need for anti-sharia legislation, such as the recently passed resolution in Oklahoma, a commenter argues: By allowing Sharia...

The war on barbershops

Yet another example of our ludicrous economic policies mixing it up with our ludicrous law enforcement policies: As many as 14 armed Orange County deputies, including narcotics agents, stormed Strictly Skillz barbershop during business...

Thoughts about the League.

Tim Burke’s recent meditation on the future of blogs has got me thinking about the evolution of The League, and not just in terms of format and color scheme. Though this blog hasn’t yet...