Daily Archive: July 19, 2010

Oh, Canaduh!

Rivaling the problems of John Stagliano in the U.S., Quebec make-up effects artist Rémy Couture is facing criminal charges for “moral corruption” under section163 of the Criminal Code of Canada for the content of both...

Uh Oh, Canada!

It takes a lot to get me to side with PETA on something, but this has to be one of the most egregious violations of free speech in recent Western memory. In fact, the...

Big Labor and Libertarianism

Erik writes: I think the real obstacle to a libertarian-left alliance is the labor movement. In the UK that movement has its own party. Here, the Democrats are the nominal representatives of labor. I...

My Inception Mini-Review

I have some major reservations about Inception, so I’ll get the part where I praise the movie out of the way first. Inception is genuinely thrilling, and it’s nice to see a major studio...

Are Social Issues Economic Issues?

I’m not sure that I fully endorse this (although I certainly agree with most of it, especially in the first half), but I think Simon K is on to something when he comments: The...