Monthly Archive: May 2010

Cameron and Blond

Massie has been confident all along that Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have this common ground, and I am inclined to agree with him, which is why I think Prof. Fox exaggerates the Liberal resistance...

A line worth stealing

“He must have felt as though he had butted out a cigarette on his own soul.” From Chris Jones’s beautiful take down of a fellow whose inner dickweed was recently unleashed by the Internet.

World Cup Pool

Reader Publius from has set up a World Cup pool.  I’d encourage any League readers interested in doing a World Cup pool to sign up here by making your picks, choosing the group...

Friday Night Jukebox – Lissie

I haven’t bought Lissie’s album yet, but I’m going to do it soon. She’s got a ton of promise; specifically, a voice like a damn rocket. I know these videos have been floating around...

Ask a Simple Question

There’s probably some reason why no one’s brought it up, but here goes. Why not just use high explosives on the giant oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? Send some explosives right down...

How to Solve Nothing

I’m not going to pretend that this bill proposed by my Senacritter, which would prohibit carrying a firearm in an airport outside of a screening area, represents some sort of apocalyptic infringement on Second...

On My Other Blog

Some of you may find this post interesting. I kept it at my old blog because it seemed like the kind of writing I used to do way back when: “John Stuart Mill and...

Alabama is for lovers

David Weigel shares this pretty hilarious attack ad on Alabama gubernatorial candidate Bradley Byrne: Byrne responds: I believe the Bible is the Word of God and that every single word of it is true....

Money & Music (and The Avett Brothers)

We had a pretty good discussion about the internet and making ends meet as musicians, but it struck me last night that I’d left out one important factor about the music (and musicians) of...

If. And If.

“If Kagan is gay, but is being closeted about it, then I don’t trust her on gay issues… About the only people who seemed convinced that being gay is a major insult or slander...

Once More into the Liber-al-tarian Breach

Erik’s post today gives me a good excuse to better define and clarify what I’m talking about when I talk about liber-al-tarianism and the notion that the intermediate-term future of libertarianism lies more with the...

Bad News for US Soccer

It looks like Charlie Davies’ inspirational attempt to come back from life-threatening injuries to make the 2010 US World Cup squad has fallen short.  I’ve little doubt that Coach Bradley made the right decision,...