Monthly Archive: March 2009


Nattavudh Powdthavee is completely off the mark.  Having children is not like winning the lottery.  The happiness we experience from our children is lasting, constant, omnipresent, and far deeper than any material gain.  It...

New Deal Originalism?

I may have respect for Andrew McCarthy, despite my many disagreements with his legal positions, but why are we waxing poetic about Judge Robert Bork?  That he is the conservative benchmark for interpreting the Constitution...

The Final Revival of Opal and Nev

Very exciting

Since we read this to our daughter almost every night, I’m pretty excited about the film version.  I hope it’s good…

War Crimes in Gaza

Watch this video and this video and this video to get a look at what went on during the recent Gaza war.  They dig into the use of drones, the bombardment of medics and...


You know, there are actual policy consequences for the kind of “haha, the stoners came out!” attitude that President Obama, and the media, demonstrated towards the question about ending the prohibition of marijuana at...

It gives me hope…

…to hear that both former President Bush and Condi Rice aren’t taking the path of Cheney and Limbaugh…


“Our people made that choice, the choice to go to Sameness. Before my time, before the previous time, back and back and back. We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with...

Guest Post: Philip Primeau

I’ve always despised the zealous conviction of converts. Be it an infidel turned god fearing evangelist, a chastened comrade trading the red of communism for the red of Republicanism, or a longtime super-gay discovering...


Via Andrew, Chris Hitchens has some harsh words for Israeli settlers in the West Bank: Peering over the horrible pile of Palestinian civilian casualties that has immediately resulted, it’s fairly easy to see where...

Quote of the Day

This, from Aziz Poonwalla, sums up the problem with Talk Radio Dogmatism, the Cult of the Image of Reagan, and Talking Heads Conservatism in one sentence, especially the words I bolded: Movement status, especially...

rap battle

Stephen Colbert’s rap was pretty funny, but the clips of Michael Steele that his video editing team put together is priceless…


The concept of describing alcoholics as either “on” or “off” the wagon is one I have trouble wrapping my brain around.  To me, I imagine being “on the wagon” with some friends knocking back...

The View from my Wife’s Lens

[Chris] The View from Your Window today at Sullivan’s digs is a photo my lovely wife took on our honeymoon.   We stayed in a well constructed wood hut.  The very cool owners had...

Conservative De-Nihilism

There’s something remarkably self-absorbed and, well, amusing, about someone who either never heard of a website or, in the alternative, never actually visited the site claiming to understand what that site’s demise demonstrates.  The only thing...