Monthly Archive: March 2009


Nattavudh Powdthavee is completely off the mark.  Having children is not like winning the lottery.  The happiness we experience from our children is lasting, constant, omnipresent, and far deeper than any material gain.  It...

New Deal Originalism?

I may have respect for Andrew McCarthy, despite my many disagreements with his legal positions, but why are we waxing poetic about Judge Robert Bork?  That he is the conservative benchmark for interpreting the Constitution...


You know, there are actual policy consequences for the kind of “haha, the stoners came out!” attitude that President Obama, and the media, demonstrated towards the question about ending the prohibition of marijuana at...


“Our people made that choice, the choice to go to Sameness. Before my time, before the previous time, back and back and back. We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with...


Via Andrew, Chris Hitchens has some harsh words for Israeli settlers in the West Bank: Peering over the horrible pile of Palestinian civilian casualties that has immediately resulted, it’s fairly easy to see where...


The concept of describing alcoholics as either “on” or “off” the wagon is one I have trouble wrapping my brain around.  To me, I imagine being “on the wagon” with some friends knocking back...