Conservative De-Nihilism
There’s something remarkably self-absorbed and, well, amusing, about someone who either never heard of a website or, in the alternative, never actually visited the site claiming to understand what that site’s demise demonstrates. The only thing more self-absorbed that I can imagine is yet another person who either never heard of the site or never actually visited the site quoting the first person as some kind of authoritative voice on the subject. And that’s all I have to say about that.
There’s also those who quote the second person quoting the first person which may be even more pathetic, but that’s neither here nor there…Report
Indeed. Given the context, one might even say that those three actions entirely prove the point that was said site’s raison d’etre.Report
Gotta love the irony, though…Report
You’re all pathetic nihilists but not as pathetic as my kind of liberaltarian nihilist. Damn you all…Report