Harvesting Victory: A World War II Photoessay
The Victory Garden program created some interesting side effects, making gardening and canning hobbies many Americans continue to pursue
The Victory Garden program created some interesting side effects, making gardening and canning hobbies many Americans continue to pursue
With microbes on our minds, it’s time to talk about one of the gravest threats soldiers in WWII faced — the threat of disease. Military leaders have long known that disease poses an even...
Even before Pearl Harbor, Life Magazine answered the question “What can I do to help the war effort?” with a single word: “Knit.”
Bad faith arguers/actors on the world stage unite each year in using the Dresden narrative as a bloody shirt to wave away any criticism of authoritarian regimes.
On December 7th we remember Pearl Harbor. It is the date on three men’s headstones who where casualties of that attack. But that isn’t the day they died.
In Eisenhower’s letter taking the blame for the D-Day that never was, we have another thing to be thankful for to the greatest generation before they pass.
The Doolittle Raiders, as they preferred to be called, had long since planned for there being only one, and then none of them.