Tagged: taxes
What Trump has in Common with a Subsistence Farmer
Not paying taxes for 18 years is not necessarily tax evasion
Gasp! A Trump Supporter!
Why on Earth might someone actually support Donald Trump? Derek Stanley offers up his reasons.
Does It Really Matter That Trump Won’t Release His Tax Returns?
It’s been well documented that Trump refuses to release his tax information in the run up to the election. But does it really matter?
Election Time in the Rockies
I suspect that my off-off-year ballot is different from most of yours in more ways than one.
Republican Messaging, Going Galt, and a Tale of Two Cities
Last week at Politco’s State Solutions Conference, Republican Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam offered up an explanation for the GOP’s defeat at the ballot box this past November: poor messaging. According to Haslam, Republicans simply...
A Great Case Out Of Sequence: Bad Valentines, Bank Robbers, And Taxes
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on Guns In America. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so...
In Which I Turn Into A Neoliberal Shill
This is not the most original post idea I’ve ever had, but this post by Matt Yglesias got me thinking, and I decided to just write it all down. The basic argument is about...
Talk radio, taxes, and the Bible
~by M.A. Conor P. Williams, in Conservatism Isn’t Radical—It’s “Modular”, argues that there is a certain amount of mental jiu-jitsu involved in shifting frameworks from argument to argument. An interesting test of this very case...
Why Are These Two Things Different?
At Rortybomb (which has migrated to Next New Deal), Mike Konczal takes arguments against lower rates on student loans to task. My only question is this: Are taxes owed to the U.S. government a kind...
Eating Peas
Fellow Ordinaries Elias Isquith and Mike Dwyer have fired the opening shots in our discussion about the latest budget proposal from that fiscal firebrand from Janesville, Paul Ryan, and Tod Kelly (who has just been...
How To Design A Consumption Tax That Isn’t Stupid
~by Ryan B Every presidential campaign, there is inevitably a candidate or two (usually Republicans, although maybe Mike Gravel too) who advocate the Fair Tax. They would replace the income tax with a national...
Skin in the game
Radley Balko wrote a post recently offering up some policy ideas basically geared toward getting as many peoples’ skin in the tax-and-spend game as possible. Other than payroll taxes, most people on the bottom...
Deal with the devil
Here’s Kevin Drum: There are a few liberal pundits out there who believe that a cuts-only deal like this one isn’t all that bad. Jon Chait is one of the leading proponents of this...
All Deficits and No Jobs Make Homer Something Something
Deficits don’t matter during a recession. We should be running deficits during a recession. We should be running deficits when there is little to no inflation. We should be running deficits when unemployment is...
The Price of Loyalty
Brad DeLong calls The Economist’s profile of Mitch Daniels, “A beat sweetener so sweet as to send us all into hyperglycemic collapse.” He continues: When Mitch Daniels was in a position of power and...
Another casualty of the recession…
From The Los Angeles Times: Maywood, a small working-class community south of downtown Los Angeles, plans to lay off all its employees, disband its Police Department and turn over its entire municipal operations to...
Of tea parties and tyranny
There are many things wrong with what James is trying to say in this post. I will try to tackle a few of them. The meat of the post, which is also the part...