Purple Haze: Bipartisan, Nationwide Wins for Drug Ballot Initiatives
Two pieces about the success of drug use ballot initiatives and what President-Elect Biden should do about marijuana legalization
Two pieces about the success of drug use ballot initiatives and what President-Elect Biden should do about marijuana legalization
Today’s case, though, is not of great import to our daily lives, it’s just a case about some Schmuck. Literally, it is the case of Wayne T. Schmuck.
Writing at National Review, Conrad Black has many disparaging things to say about the War on Drugs and about the prohibition of marijuana specifically. For example: For blacks, the chances of being arrested and...
The perverse nature of our ‘War’ on Drugs was never more evident than in this Wall Street Journal article. A few choice quotes:
As some of you know, Sen. Grassley has put forth an amendment to prevent a proposed panel on criminal justice reform from engaging in any discussion regarding the propriety of decriminalization or legalization of...
Speaking of drugs, the current level of support (or at least openness) to marijuana legalization among mainstream pundits is pretty unprecedented.