Holiday Memories and A ( Not So) Brave New World
Holiday memories force me to face my own mortality and reflect on my perspective of coming of age in a previous century.
Holiday memories force me to face my own mortality and reflect on my perspective of coming of age in a previous century.
There’s a German word, Kummerspeck, which literally means “Grief-bacon” and is used to refer to the weight you put on while grieving.
History has been something that my father has given me with very little in return; not simply because I don’t want to give back to that tradition, but because I haven’t yet had the life to lead which gives to the story of my family and of mankind as a whole.
1.) At what age would you say it becomes inappropriate for a father or other male caregiver to bring his daughter/female charge with him into a shared men’s bathroom to relieve his needs? 2.)...
Our panel of bloggers discuss the changing role of men in modern America and try to make sense of the madness.
In all of our years, my father and I only ever had one argument about race – but it was a doozy. The argument started over dinner when I was in junior high school....