Tagged: fatherhood
Richard Pryor’s Father and the Transforming Truth of Fatherhood
The fear of my father is transforming, evolving, not less in fear, but growing in it, producing a fruit, of sorts.
Traveling in Morelia, Michoacán
Mexico has many problems, but they shouldn’t stop you from visiting one of its jewels.
Fatherhood & Conservatism
Guest writer Roland Dobbs, a long-time liberal, notices his political views shifting rightward with recent the arrival of his baby daughter.
From Mad Rocket Scientist comes this brief but amazing reflection on fatherhood and the word “love.”
Recognizing and Redefining Manhood
These days, I probably write more posts about being a parent than anything else (aside from left-leaning wonks, of course). This is as it should be, since I spend a solid 30 hours/week caring...
To Fail as a Son
The last time I saw my father I was twelve years old. Before boarding the airplane that would return me to the home of my mother and step-father, I had sat on the edge...
Just in time for Father’s Day
Pamela Paul has a rather Slate-ish post up at The Atlantic, asking the controversial question: Are Fathers Necessary? Unsurprisingly, her conclusion is no. Not really. “The bad news for Dad is that despite common...
the great thing about being a father (part 1)
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things… …and now that...