Here Comes the Pain, Shared and Otherwise
The real story of this present crisis is not the numerical one, but the human one.
The real story of this present crisis is not the numerical one, but the human one.
The data starting to come in on the economic toll of the COVID-19 virus and subsequent social shut-down was expected to be bad, and indeed is off the charts.
The options before us are not “burn the economy down through quarantine” and “burn the economy down through an epidemic”.
The COVID-19 epidemic will be the first services recession, and it could be a bad one.
Another UBI experiment bites the dust, and a new study is looking at the participants since it ended.
A radical libertarian manifesto that deserves to be taken seriously – and rejected. A Review of Kevin Williamson’s “The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics”
Stephen Moore is a political operative who happened to get some sort of economics degree from somewhere.
Your Ordinary World for 7 January 2019 featuring links to stories and points of views you need to start your Monday Morning off right from Ordinary Times.
Universal Basic Income did not have the banner year it’s proponents had hoped for. Who knew it would be so hard to get people to take free money?
41 years after Youngstown’s “Black Monday” meant 5,000 lost jobs immediately and tens of thousands more to follow, the Mahoning Valley endures another day of 4-digit job loss with closure of General Motor’s Lordstown complex.
A very old argument comes to a contemporary debate. In a fascinating article @Frankpasquale starts at Hayek and runs a thread through Jefferson and Hamilton to the current debate about what, if anything, should be done about the might of Google, Facebook, and other big tech.
This week: Conspiracies, Media, Labor, Economics, Family, and Stigma!
In which an economist looks at one of the seminal science fiction works of the 20th Century.