The Shakedown
As we ramp up to the second Trump Presidency, corporations are lining up to throw money at the incoming President.
As we ramp up to the second Trump Presidency, corporations are lining up to throw money at the incoming President.
Shemia Fagan had a bright future, plausibly on track to become Governor of Oregon. Today, a scandal forced her to resign her public office.
Where we go from here…I don’t think anyone knows. But we once again find ourselves in interesting times.
Governing and legislating is hard, cheap media pops like this are not, so it’s no wonder of wonders when Ted Cruz and AOC go for the latter when opportunity presents.
There was another indictment of note in the deluge of legal news yesterday, this time in California. Rep. Duncan Hunter and his wife are subject to a 60-count indictment including wire fraud and campaign finance violations.
A West Virginia Supreme Court Justice is federally indicted on 22 counts, including various fraud counts, false statements, and witness tampering. The man who wrote the book on corruption now stands accused of bilking the taxpayers who put him in office.
There is considerable evidence that the issues with policing in the US are not constrained to a few bad apples.
Burt Likko fills in for Will Truman for this week’s aggregation of dozens of links to themed web randomness!
Tod Kelly puts on his risk management cap to assess the prospect of New Yorkers giving Anthony Weiner power.
Tom Ridge claims that Bush pressured him to raise the terror alert level to help win the 2004 election.
that after this incident, no one gives any more money to the American Conservative Union.
One has to admire Murtha’s honesty. “If I’m corrupt, it’s because I take care of my district” might not represent the best of disinterested liberal governance, but it’s a refreshingly frank admission of his...
I know that liberals really, really want to see the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), and especially its card-check provisions, pushed through as soon as possible. I also know that there is little they...