Thursday Throughput: BA5 Edition
Basically, we seem to be in a cycle where COVID is throwing new things at us every six months or so as it continues to circulate through populations.
Basically, we seem to be in a cycle where COVID is throwing new things at us every six months or so as it continues to circulate through populations.
So I’m on vacation this week with the family. Thus, a rather abbreviated Throughput for today
The planet upon which we tread is a lot calmer than it used to be. But it is still capable of unleashing unimaginable fury upon us.
If you are honest, natural immunity means your chances of catching COVID are 104%, 100% for the first time, an additional 4% for the second
Parents need to be informed up front that most fetal gene testing positives are false and a negative screen doesn’t necessarily mean anything
We are in a golden age of science. The vast majority of scientists who have ever lived are alive and working today. Here’s hoping they kick 2022’s butt as hard as they kicked 2021’s.
The TL;DR version on Omicron is: we don’t know yet and anyone making definitive claims should be viewed with suspicion. The long version is…
There have not, in fact, been more COVID-19 deaths under Joe Biden than under Donald Trump. Eventually, we will pass that grim milestone
In which pro-vaccination employment attorney Burt Likko is repeatedly asked to help people avoid their employers’ vaccination mandates.
People didn’t think Columbus was nuts because the Earth was flat. They thought he was nuts because … well, Columbus *was* nuts.
The data does not show a Great Barrington Declaration approach saves the economy without costing lives. It shows a heavy price on both.
FOIA lawsuits are trying to find out any information the National Institute of Health might have about the Coronavirus pandemic origins.
The “unvaccinated people only hurt themselves” idea needs to die in a fire. It then needs the ashes dug up, reassembled & set on fire again
Do not read this headline and think a generation of children are damaged goods. Read this headline and roll up your sleeves.
Are the recent reports of young people getting pericarditis from COVID-19 vaccine a reason to stop vaccinating them? Let’s take a look at the risks involved.
A video Thursday Throughput explaining why, no, the use of HCQ to treatment COVID-19 has not been vindicated by a recent preprint.
After a year of evidence, the claim that you must choose between saving the economy and stopping the virus is simply not true.
The Washington Post has a timeline on the Wuhan lab-leak theory that the Covid-19 pandemic originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Every 13 or 17 years, Cicadas mature to adulthood, fly around, make a hell of a lot of noise, and have an astonishing amount of bug sex.
The CDC has managed to project this image of ineffectual communicators whose nerdspeak is poorly conveyed by a scientifically illiterate media.