Airshows and Americana
Airshows have been an American tradition since we pioneered powered flight in 1903; the experience is peak Americana and says a great deal about the American cultural identity.
Airshows have been an American tradition since we pioneered powered flight in 1903; the experience is peak Americana and says a great deal about the American cultural identity.
Thoughts on the gap between what I practice and what I preach.
People trade in indignation & outrage. I imagine we justify ourselves using this currency by appealing to the evil deeds of our neighbor.
State residency is a debatable and fluid concept for people like you and every state you visit will eye you for potential revenue.
You can’t make sense of bad decisions people have been making in 2020 without considering how society has destroyed our sense of community.
We should follow the example that Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia showed us and treat each other with compassion and understanding
If they design a test that determines where bad metaphors come from, I’ll definitely need to take that one. But otherwise, no more tests. Because the enneagram broke me.
On a coworker who spent a summer drawing thousands of whales in chalk and the great work of storytelling that came from that.
Being polite is one thing. Being taken advantage of because of being polite is another.
Your Ordinary World for 26 Nov 2018 with links about healthcare, community, AOC, regulating Big Tech, a different take on red state/blue state, China’s revisionist history, and the death of charity walk-a-thons.
Burt Likko has one of those sorts of problems that really aren’t such bad problems to have.
Rod Dreher is going home, back to the South, back to St. Francisville – a town he left at sixteen. His musings on that departure and eventual return are worth the read: When you...
Does the LeBron-Cleveland saga reflect the anxieties of modern American life?* Bear with me for a moment: A monumentally talented product from the old industrial heartland flees his hometown and a band of hardworking**...
Commenter Sam M. writes, in response to my last post: But isn’t the full implication of this diconcerting to a lot of people? To affect this change, I think it presupposes that you accept that...
I’ve given Phillip Blond another chance at convincing me of his vision but alas I find his final product rather incoherent at the end of the day. Writing in The American Conservative, Nicholas Capaldi...
Lots of interesting feedback on my last post. Kevin Drum and Ryan Avent both focus on the notion that the sort of choice Bramwell describes is only available to higher-income families, leaving poor Americans...
I think this Amanda Marcotte piece is pretty interesting. She touches on the idea of work and community and how the modern workplace has, until very recently, served to cut us off entirely from...
I have been rather harsh in my treatment of the “rugged individual” in these pages, and yet have come to an essentially libertarian position on most economic issues. At the heart of libertarian philosophy...
I stayed at a quaint bed and breakfast this weekend in a charming old mining town on a little mountain in the desert. It’s now home to dozens of artists and artisans – painters,...