Tagged: Community


Ordinary World 26 Nov 2018

Your Ordinary World for 26 Nov 2018 with links about healthcare, community, AOC, regulating Big Tech, a different take on red state/blue state, China’s revisionist history, and the death of charity walk-a-thons.

Going Down to St. Francisville

Rod Dreher is going home, back to the South, back to St. Francisville – a town he left at sixteen. His musings on that departure and eventual return are worth the read: When you...

LeBron James and the creative class

Does the LeBron-Cleveland saga reflect the anxieties of modern American life?* Bear with me for a moment: A monumentally talented product from the old industrial heartland flees his hometown and a band of hardworking**...

A failure of institutions ctd.

Commenter Sam M. writes, in response to my last post: But isn’t the full implication of this diconcerting to a lot of people? To affect this change, I think it presupposes that you accept that...

Further thoughts on school choice and community

Lots of interesting feedback on my last post.  Kevin Drum and Ryan Avent  both focus on the notion that the sort of choice Bramwell describes is only available to higher-income families, leaving poor Americans...

individualism, properly understood

I have been rather harsh in my treatment of the “rugged individual” in these pages, and yet have come to an essentially libertarian position on most economic issues.  At the heart of libertarian philosophy...

aesthetics in everything

I stayed at a quaint bed and breakfast this weekend in a charming old mining town on a little mountain in the desert.  It’s now home to dozens of artists and artisans – painters,...