Tagged: college football
Army Should Have Gone Bowling
There’s no reasons accommodations couldn’t be made to put Army Football in a bowl ahead of teams with losing records.
Sports and The Power of Assumption
This post isn’t about what’s going to happen (as of right now no one knows) or what should happen, but rather the nature of assumptions
Wouldn’t Be Great If We Could Somehow Drag Gene Stallings Into This?
If college football is anything like it is assumed by so many, the Sicilians need to take note, because Omerta ain’t got nothing on this.
We Should Unfix the College Football Postseason: A Rebuttal
The fear among my stamp of college football fans is that the tournament awards the game and not the campaign, and makes everything worse
Fixing The College Football Postseason
Just another fan’s opinion on how to weave College Football’s bowl tradition with a more robust playoff system.
Linky Friday: What a Shambles That Week Was Edition
Linky Friday, Ordinary Times’ tradition of bringing you stories from around the web to discuss with the internet’s best commentareum.
Conference Opponents: The Mountain West Conference Versus Boise State
The Mountain West Conference Versus Boise State: Off the football field and into the courtroom?
A Very Welcome Victory
Sports are not a salve. That said, an unexpected win still manages to feel awfully damned good.
The Bowl Points System
One of the most thrilling BCS games I can remember was the 2007 Fiesta Bowl when an outmanned and outranked Boise State team upended the mighty Sooners. That’s the kind of thing I would want to see in an expanded playoff system. Not another chance for Georgia to blow a big lead against the Tide.
College Football Player Christion Ambercrombie in Critical Condition Following Brain Surgery
Tennessee State football player Christion Abercrombie in critical condition after head injury necessitated emergency brain surgery, according to reports.
Wait… What? (*UPDATED*)
Oregon defensive coordinator Nick Aliotti is upset with Mike Leach and Washington State. For trying. Or something?
2012-13 College Football Bowl Season Preview
Last year, I posted the bowl preview I always write for a friend. Since I wrote it again this year, I figured I’d post the new version. I tried to edit for a more...
Football Talk
Does anyone else think that Oregon’s blur offense is uniquely ill-suited to the long break between college football’s regular season and the major bowl games? If their opponents get a month off to condition...
Football in the Northeast
…which, for football purposes, includes South Florida. In 2005, the Big East – long a basketball-heavy conference – lost three of its five traditionally strong football programs to the ACC, while one of the remaining...