Tagged: Cats
Weekend Plans Post: Learning to Tell Them Apart
You know how your grandparents went through 2-3 names before getting to yours? It’s kinda like that, sometimes.
A Few Notes on COVID and Cats
I would compare having COVID to wading into a bog where you can’t see what lurks beneath the water-imagine the trash compactor in Star Wars.
Weekend Plans: The Most Wonderful Place At The End Of The World
We’re preparing to go to Disneyworld at the same time that the Coronavirus seems to be kicking into gear. Also, we met the housesitters.
On National Cat Day, It’s Time to End Anti-Feline Discrimination!
It’s time that we address a grave injustice in our society: the anti-feline propaganda being put out by the entertainment industry.
An Open Letter to my Cat’s Former Owner
So on this National Cat Day I would like to send a message to the people without whom I would not have the best cats in the world: whoever turned them over to the rescue society.
Weekend Plans: Small Pleasures
Tiny things that might not change your life, but will definitely change your day
Weekend Plans Post: Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans
Houseguests and Russian Novels
In Which I Spend a Sleepless Night Contemplating the Cats Trailer
Forget politics, you folks are getting 1300-odd words about this here Cats trailer.
Tech Tuesday 3/5/19 – ‘I Have a Cold, And It Sucks’ Edition
Yes, I have a cold, it sucks, so be glad I knocked out this much. Excuse me while I use my neti pot and worship my new god, Sudafed.
Soccer Ball Kitty Demonstrates Her Strength
In which a fourteen-pound cat causes sleep-deprived Burt Likko a week’s worth of trouble.
The Post-Work Idyll To Be Found In Post-Felinity
In which Jaybird muses on post-work through the lens of his cats.
Linky Friday No. 61
It’s Linky Friday and now you have a way to malinger productivity while reading random links embedded in wry comments that are only funny after you read the articles!