Candidate Question Time
Let’s be sure to not forget Richard Nixon while we’re having all our political fun.
Let’s be sure to not forget Richard Nixon while we’re having all our political fun.
One expert said the system helped ensure loyalty for Clinton by creating “the illusion of inclusion.”
…of Rubio has a chance — and it’s a long shot — he’ll have to alter the perceptions about his messaging. It’s the difference between ending up as Dan Quayle or President George W. Bush. But even if he accomplishes that, it seems unlikely he can overcome his history and the country’s mood. Not in 2016.
Coates and Alexander are by no means the first black intellectuals to express skepticism of Clinton and endorse Sanders. Princeton University professor Cornel West, for example, has campaigned with Sanders. On Wednesday morning, Sanders...
…his temperament is so immature, his narcissism so clear, his political base so unique, his reactions so strange, that I honestly have no idea what he would do — or what he wouldn’t do.
Amid all the shocked headlines, the most important news of the night may be: For once, the system worked.
Donald Trump is back in the pole position. His commanding performance across almost all demographics and voting blocs in New Hampshire is staggering. Worse, Hillary Clinton’s disastrous performance among both swing and core Democratic...
Place your bets. Curse your fates. State your true druthers. Make new fearless predictions. Pretend you knew all along how things’d turn out. Vape ’em if you got ’em.
People are motivated to make wise choices more by hope and opportunity than by fear, cynicism, hatred and despair. Unlike many current candidates, Obama has not appealed to those passions. No, Obama has not...
Rubio alone proposes reforms (zeroed-out investment taxes, zeroed-out inheritance taxes, significantly reduced corporate taxes) designed to minimize (and in many cases eliminate) the tax liabilities of members of the Republican donor class. Though Rubio...
In Thursday’s MSNBC debate Rachel Maddow, having raised the specters of George McGovern and Barry Goldwater, briefly acknowledged Sanders’ general election lead (“I know you have good head to head polling numbers… right now”)...
“Every candidate has an interest in attacking at least one opponent. Top tier candidates need a strong showing in the state, while lower-tier candidates have their very survival at stake. There is no longer cause for anybody to hold their fire.”
A handful of emails forwarded to Hillary Clinton’s personal server while she was secretary of state contained references to undercover CIA officers — including one who was killed by a suicide attack in Afghanistan,...
Bernie Sanders Plays Role of Rabbi in 1999 Low-Budget Comedy “My X-Girlfriend’s Wedding Reception” – YouTube
Senator Rand Paul is dropping out of the presidential race, a move that has journalists reaching back to 2014, when Paul was leading the polls and people were arguing that he was a good...
Iowa demonstrates that the Trump electoral strategy is not going to work, that Bernie has a long way to go if he wants to beat HRC, and that Marco Rubio may in fact have a chance against Ted Cruz.
Clinton also displayed continuing weakness in connecting with voters. The quarter of Democratic voters who want a candidate who “cares about people like you” preferred Sanders by three to one. Those who wanted a...