Category: 2016 Elections

Charles CW Cooke: Donald Trump’s 2016 Campaign Must Be Stopped – NRO

For the first time in years, the Right’s defenses would be completely destroyed, perhaps never to be rebuilt. Swiftly, the courts would be packed with ideologues; immediately, Congress would run through the remaining items on the Obama-Clinton laundry list; before the voters had a chance to stop them, the White House would usher in an irreversible amnesty; and, Trump having been turned into a pariah by a hostile press, his “anti-PC” attitude would be rendered toxic in perpetuity. The likely result of Trump’s selection as the Republican nominee, in other words, would be the entrenchment of all that his supporters claim vehemently to hate. That thrill that his acolytes would feel when they saw Trump named the winner of the primaries? It’d be gone in a matter of minutes.

Caucus chaos in Nevada – Politico

It’s getting ugly in Nevada, as reporters at the state’s Republican caucuses are spotting irregularities, disorganization and open violations of caucus rules.

The state GOP claims there have been “no official reports of voting irregularities or violations,” but anecdotal scenes of chaos seem to contradict that message…