Category: Food

Holidays and Cooking

Holidays and Cooking

Holidays and Cooking: Here are a few gems that may set you apart from others in your social and familial spheres.


It’s Willamette, Dammit

I pronounced Willamette as “will-a-met” rather than as “will-ah-met”. She told me “Nope.” “It’s Willamette, Dammit.” Emphasizing the rhyme.

wine tasting

Wine Tasting Through

I used to work as a sommelier, even though I still need autocorrect to spell the word properly. You know, wine tasting

Grilled Cheese

Return to Normalcy?

Empathy is a binder. So is suffering. We’ve been told over two years that “We’re all in this together,” as we are told to stay apart.


Always Prepared

One would hope we learned that “just in time deliveries” are really misnamed and should be called “almost late.” So prepare.