What Poker Can Teach Us
Jim McManus’s article on poker and American entrepreneurship is not to be missed. Here’s a great excerpt:
Jim McManus’s article on poker and American entrepreneurship is not to be missed. Here’s a great excerpt:
Making fun of Michael Steele has become de rigueur for political observers across the ideological spectrum, and to be fair, it’s not hard to see why. His antics frequently come off as something out...
This story seems to have gotten lost in the furor surrounding Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, but I’d love to hear someone explain why 30 Republican senators – including noted bordello client David Vitter –...
Once you’ve finished with Mark’s excellent post on the recent “future of conservatism” symposium, you should check out this entry from Tim Lee, who was also on-hand for the discussion.
Other than making its less-connected readers in the DC metro area feel left out, what exactly does Politico think it’s accomplishing with this story?
Contra Bill Simmons, Malcolm Gladwell’s latest article isn’t 2009’s best piece of sports journalism. In fact, it’s not even the best article about football-related concussions. For that, you’ll have to go to GQ’s “Game...
Please read Jagdish Bhagwati’s excellent defense of free markets and free trade in the wake of the global financial panic.
It’s not Obama’s fault that the Nobel Committee decided to award him the 2009 Peace Prize. Really, it’s not. In fact, I almost feel bad for Obama – he probably doesn’t deserve the resentment...
To respond briefly to Jamelle’s response to my response to his response to Ross Douthat’s latest column (got that?), I think he’s right that thorough-going campaign finance reform would solve a lot of structural...
Memo to The Atlantic: I am totally available if you need more people to transcribe twitter feuds.
The interesting thing about Glenn Beck is that aside from being completely crazy, his substantive views on policy (if someone like Beck can be described as having substantive views on anything) are about as...
The New York Times explains “The Biden Plan”: Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden made it clear that the option Mr. Biden had proposed was not a pure counterterrorism alternative, relying only on drones and...
From comments, it seems Ayers admitted to writing Dreams to some random blogger at an airport. I remain suspicious, but I’ll keep everyone updated as this story develops. Here’s the original blog post. UPDATE:...
Or, the one piece of legislation Congress isn’t anxious to claim credit for. Hint: it has something to do with debt.
Study finds Bernanke and Paulsen were guilty of misleading the public about recipients of the bank bailout.
Responding to Ross Douthat’s latest column, Jamelle raises an interesting question: And finally, I wonder how Douthat explains away Northern Europe’s high economic growth rates and robust welfare states? I’m no economist, but I...
This op-ed should send chills up every law-abiding citizen’s spine (via Reason).
Jay Nordlinger has an interesting column on the politicization of sports writing. As card-carrying members of our liberal media, I have no doubt that sports writers skew liberal, and sure enough, Nordlinger digs up...