Author: Will


Contra Bill Simmons, Malcolm Gladwell’s latest article isn’t 2009’s best piece of sports journalism. In fact, it’s not even the best article about football-related concussions. For that, you’ll have to go to GQ’s “Game...

Turn It Down

It’s not Obama’s fault that the Nobel Committee decided to award him the 2009 Peace Prize. Really, it’s not. In fact, I almost feel bad for Obama – he probably doesn’t deserve the resentment...

Beck’s Moment

The interesting thing about Glenn Beck is that aside from being completely crazy, his substantive views on policy (if someone like Beck can be described as having substantive views on anything) are about as...

The Safe Zone

Jay Nordlinger has an interesting column on the politicization of sports writing. As card-carrying members of our liberal media, I have no doubt that sports writers skew liberal, and sure enough, Nordlinger digs up...