Leaguefest Dinner Plans!
It’s hard to believe we’re less than two weeks away from the start of Leaguefest 2013. With the Friday schedule now set, the next step is the Saturday schedule, with the most important element...
It’s hard to believe we’re less than two weeks away from the start of Leaguefest 2013. With the Friday schedule now set, the next step is the Saturday schedule, with the most important element...
First, my apologies to all planning or interested in attending Leaguefest 2013 next month in Chicago; I had planned on having a schedule close to finalized for the event sometime in late April, or...
Author’s note – I recently promised myself that I would try to get better about formatting would-be lengthy comments as separate posts. This post is part of that effort. At the 49th, Jonathan McLeod...
Ken White at Popehat exposes the biggest conspiracy of all in the Tsarnaev case. Maybe I was wrong last week, after all.
Amongst the outrageous outrages being spread the last few days about the treatment of the Boston bombing suspect is that he was purportedly “prematurely Mirandized” by a federal magistrate judge at his initial hearing...
So, uhh, Sunday night’s episode of Game of Thrones was pretty fishin’ spectacular if you ask me. Discuss below, but mostly I just wanted a pretext to post a link to this video, which imagines...
Twice the Rupert Murdoch-owned has announced that police have identified the primary suspects in Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings. Twice it has indicated that or pictured these purported “suspects” as persons of Arab descent or persons...
So here we are, two months out from Leaguefest, which means it’s high time to start getting into the nitty gritty of planning this thing. I’m happy to say that there was an overwhelmingly...
The Empire Strikes Back.. Despite an attempted coup against Emperor Klinsi, his newly appointed field general Deuce Vader leads the Empire to a hard-earned victory over the Costa Rican militia in the Second Battle...
A commenter asks in response to Elias’ post on the problem with arguments against same sex marriage: As a person who is single and has taken care of one of my parents for 18...
My fraternity days were just 15 years ago, and my house was probably more liberal than most. But although I treasure my experience, that doesn’t change the fact that an idea like this would...
You’ve no doubt heard by now about the fooferaw over Chris Christie’s snub by CPAC, in which he has been refused an invitation to speak at the meeting of conservative glitterati, purportedly because his...
It is clear that there is abundant interest to support going forward with League-fest 2013 in Chicago on June 7-9 this year. As a result, it is about time for me to block some...
It’s getting to be time to plan Leaguefest again. Much as with last year’s official Cruise Director Mr. Likko, I have decided to simply take the bull by the horns and make a decision. So,...
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on Guns In America. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far,...
Dear New Jersey, Staten Island, and Long Island: We know you are some of the biggest net donor regions in the country, with NJ getting back only 55 cents on every dollar you send...
My CFO (aka The Wife) declined my proposal that we get tickets for a night out in NYC to see Gaslight Anthem. I had been hoping to go to either last night’s show or...
I know most of you all around here find soccer unwatchable and soccer posts around here tend to result in a giant yawn from the commentariat. But I submit that if you do not...
One thing that was not deeply discussed in last night’s Leaguecast is that this election demonstrates that the GOP is at a huge structural disadvantage in the Electoral College, as it racks up huge –...