More likely Iowa Democratic voters identify as ‘socialist’ than ‘capitalist’ – The Washington Post
43 percent call themselves “socialist.” From: More likely Iowa Democratic voters identify as ‘socialist’ than ‘capitalist’ – The Washington Post
43 percent call themselves “socialist.” From: More likely Iowa Democratic voters identify as ‘socialist’ than ‘capitalist’ – The Washington Post
“In terms of a commander-in-chief, we ought to have someone who isn’t springing out of bed to tweet in frantic response to the latest polls,” Cruz said.
What do you think was the result of the exchange you had in Star Wars on Trial?
Absolutely freaking nothing. Does entertainment have to have an outcome? We were doing it for fun. Fortunately, Lucas’ propaganda for evil is completely ineffectual. Almost none of the viewers who have enjoyed his films, and count me as one of them, even notice his sneering contempt for democracy and the common man. Though it appears that it has not gone unnoticed in China, where many commentators have spoken about the core lesson of Star Wars—that democracy is futile. But much simpler moral lessons are absorbed by kids: be brave, defend your friends, try to be nice. Those simple messages from the first and second films could not be washed away and they are the ones that kids take home. So while I have fun poking at the deeper moral lapses, I can sleep well knowing that almost nobody is listening when George Lucas vamps for evil. All they notice is the fun.
From: Yoda Is Dead but Star Wars’ Dubious Lessons Live On – Nautilus
Anderson .Paak – Without You (feat. Rapsody)Watch this video on YouTube From: Anderson .Paak – Without You (feat. Rapsody) – YouTube
The new plan calls for fighting the terror group like a conventional enemy, relying on traditional military tactics such as maneuver-style warfare and attrition. This has replaced last year’s approach, dubbed the “Iraq First Strategy,” which was widely...
The Chief Rabbi is right. France has become a battleground and the country can expect further casualties in 2016. As an unnamed French senior counter-terrorism official suggested last week ‘Unfortunately, I think 2015 was nothing....
Jeb Bush went after Trump on his unfathomable proposal to exclude all Muslim immigrants, but he did so almost as a supplicant, asking him to “reconsider.” It was as if Bush was afraid Trump...
The retired officer said he never issued a “stand-down” order to security contractors who wanted to defend a diplomatic compound. From: Former CIA chief in Benghazi challenges the story line of the new movie...
Warning: This entire post is filled with ‘Star Wars’ spoilers From: Star Wars: J.J. Abrams Says He Knows Who Rey’s Parents Are | TIME
Rubio’s true distinction Thursday was to get dragged into an unwanted skirmish with Chris Christie, and then to watch Christie talk macho to Barack Obama more effectively than he could. From: Thursday’s Debate Was...
Some lawmakers skipped Thursday’s GOP debate to see the screening. From: House GOP rents out theater to watch Benghazi movie | TheHill
The first public demonstration will come early in 2016 with the official launch of the first game to be built on the platform: made by London-based Bossa Studios, Worlds Adrift will be a massive...
Dan and Roland and Jay from Brooklyn fersure, or as close to fersure as this world allows, promise to tweet y’all through this here ruckus.
If we are willing to admit that there are social and political problems that we do not yet seem to have solved, then an examination of other-than-democratist and other-than-modernist thought may not be merely interesting to a few, but useful for the many, or even necessary.
“Maybe the presidency itself should be regarded as one of those things that is good to have but not a must-have, especially if obtaining it requires uncomfortable change.”
“It’s still wise to bet on the current order… and against its enemies and rivals and would-be saboteurs, but, after liberalism’s year of living dangerously, for the first time in a long time it might make sense to hedge that bet.”
The cinematic rather than merely narrative objective of Star Wars VII is to persuade by being overwhelmingly Star Wars VII.
This long “awesome” post on the 2106 race ventures far into theory and speculation in order to return back to where the intuitions of many political observers begin.
Those without Twitter accounts, probably watching if at all on semi-functional console TVs adapted for digital over-the-air, inherited from your grandparents, are welcome to participate in the open thread.