So I sit down and say “okay, I’ve got two hours to play… I should get immersed in something!” but, instead, I just open Plants vs. Zombies again and beat it again. Or Little Inferno again. Or Redshirts again (but die on an away mission again). And I don’t know how many times I’ve restarted Game Dev Tycoon to try to make the *PERFECT* RPG. (That is to say: one that gets an 11.)
And, as such, Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder sits there fallow.
On the bright side, I beat Little Inferno again. Man, that game is awesome.
So… what are you playing?
(Photo is “The Game” taken by Mo Riza, used under a creative commons license.)
Well, whatever game we play in Casa Likko later today, it’ll be on our great new coffee table. My wife’s idea, some conceptual input from me. Two sheets of ply separated by wooden crates, on decorative feet. Topped with The Essential Geography of the United States of America and an awkwardly-large piece of beveled glass:

There *NEEDS* to be a game that requires a map of the US. Maybe something with dice and dry erase markers?Report
I suppose we could play a variant of Risk using the 48 contiguous states instead of the original Risk map. We’d have to arbitrarily decide what regions constituted “continents,” figure out a few other ways to adapt it — but yeah, that could be done.Report
One of my favorite time wasters is a CD-ROM game of Risk I bought several years ago and can be played solitaire. I suppose a US-centric version could be something like “Risk….Blue vs. Gray.” I’d buy it if it were $20 or less.Report
Did anybody else play that game Empire for the A2e or C64?Report
Nice work sirReport
wowsa, that is fiiine.Report