Vandalism at the National Gallery
The woman who allegedly tried to tear a Gauguin painting off a wall at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. has been identified as a 53-year-old convicted felon who, after her arrest Friday, told an investigator that the French artist was “evil” and that his artwork “has nudity and is bad for the children.”
Suspect Susan Burns, who turned 53 Friday, also said that the Gauguin painting “Two Tahitian Women,” which is pictured at right and valued at $80 million, is “very homosexual. I was trying to remove it. I think it should be burned,” according to a criminal complaint filed in D.C. Superior Court. “I am from the American CIA and I have a radio in my head. I am going to kill you,” added Burns, who lives in Alexandria, Virginia.
The comments at The Smoking Gun aren’t about nudity in western art, museum security, or mental illness. They’re about the Tea Party. Have we all gone crazy?
Not all of us. Some of us are well aware that this was all the fault of the Kochs.Report
You fool! You fool! It’s the Bilderberg Group and the Masons!Report
I thought the Masons were in it with the Jesuits.Report
It was probably the Stonecutters.Report
Actually, the comments seem to be a mixed bad, including some from the Cult of Personal Responsibility.Report
i.e.: “If Gauguin didn’t want this to happen…” ?
Incidentally, he was sort of evil. Not that he didn’t paint some pretty amazing pictures.Report
“Two Minnesotan Women”Report
. . . er, that should be “mixed bag.”Report
The RedState article made it clear that the real villain is George Soros.Report
Of course we’ve gone crazy. 40 years ago, any President saying that he heard from God would have been impeached for insanity. Nowadays, we elect him to a second term.Report