Morning Ed: Health {2016.06.12.T}
It turns out, when the chips are down, doctors die like the rest of us do.
Dana Goldstein’s piece on her migraine medication addiction is a fascinating read.
If vapers can’t vape, at least half are worried about going back to smoking. The good news is that as long as they can vape…
I would bet you money that Kim Jong Un believes himself to be immune to lung cancer. I mean, what, would you tell him?!
Atul Gawande’s speech on mistrust of science is worth reaching.
Oh, this would be good.
But what if I don’t want to be social?
Loneliness? Hell, there’s lots of times I don’t want to socialize. I can go about a month before I feel the need to be around people. Hell I blew of dinner and movie with a friend last Sunday to chill out, do laundry and play video games, and work out. It was pleasant.
Besides, if I go out, I have to drive on roads filled with idiots.Report
The loneliness issue is interesting because many people want to be social but find themselves excluded or at least at the margins of different groups of people. You really can’t force anybody to be somebody else’s friend in the same way you can’t make somebody date a person they don’t want to.Report
For both of those, one can pay someone to be a friend (psychologist) or to be a date (escort). Few people will say no to enough money.Report
“you can’t make somebody date a person they don’t want to.”
But they can call those people racists/sizest/etc. for not dating folks they aren’t attracted to, and attempt to nudge them to do so by shaming them.Report
The stem cell story is neat. I was surprised that they could force the body to produce stem cells that they could use.
Fascinating read, thanks.Report
Okay. Something is up.
Check this out.
From the post:
Remember when we argued about this back when the media got into the apartment of the San Bernardino shooters?Report
I think it important that we have a free press. Like, really important. But this seems problematic on a number of levels. Especially since I doubt the reason it is happening is because of a desire for a free press.Report
This is more like a full-court press.Report
I remember very distinctly thinking how much I would hate to go back to cigarettes, when I switched to ecigs. I can’t imagine going back to either now, but if I did, it would only be to ecigs. I am not sure how I ever smoked actual cigarettes.Report
Congrats on quitting and staying quit.Report
@chris Other than the stupid aesthetic crap, the only time I miss smoking is when it comes to the convenience factor. Cigarettes are so dang easy. You just light it up and you’re good to go. The ecigarettes have more option, but I have to worry about batteries, liquids, coils, and all of that. Before switching to my current model I was being driven to madness. The current model is better, and the only time I think about cigarettes now is when I transition down on nicotine level (started at 18, now at 1.5).Report