Saturday Morning Gaming: Helldivers 2


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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5 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    I understand why my buddy’s kid would want to play games like this.

    Maybe not instead of games like Fallout: New Vegas… but I totally see the appeal now.Report

    • JHG in reply to Jaybird

      Hey Jaybird! That sounds like a blast!

      Not my thing, but I keep hearing good things about Helldivers 2. Maybe I’ll try it at some point.

      I’m playing Dredge. Just finished Edith Finch (yeah, I’m way behind).

      Hope you are well.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to JHG


        Yeah, it’s stupid fun.

        One of the things that strikes me as an important distinction when it comes to any given game is the whole issue of “who is it for?”

        Like, if you’re not a fan of football games, Madden 2023 isn’t going to change your mind… but Cyberball 2077 *MIGHT*. If you don’t like racing games, Forza isn’t going to change your mind, but Burnout 3 *MIGHT*.

        Helldivers 2 is a game that I enjoyed despite not being a fan of multiplayer (and positively despising multiplayer with complete strangers). Er, not “enjoyed”. Actively enjoy.Report

        • JHG in reply to Jaybird

          Well, that’s even higher praise. I am with you on the multiplayer (and the despising).

          I may have to give it a shot, based only on your high praise (and our similarities about multiplayer).

          And, you joined their discord! Makes me want to say “Who are you and what have you done with Jaybird?”. 😉Report

          • Jaybird in reply to JHG

            Dude. I was confused too. But the game seems to be calibrated to have you die fairly regularly and your squaddies can bring you (or someone just like you) back.

            And if you’re playing solo, there’s no one to bring you back.

            I mean, it’d be a *PERFECT* co-op with your broskis kinda game. But even playing with strangers? The dynamics are different.

            I’ve seen horror stories about co-op shooters where the guys in charge are perfectionists and want everybody min-maxxed with ideal builds and the only reason to have a low-level person in your squad is because he is being power-leveled. One story I heard was a squad leader yelling “you don’t even know how to use those weapons!” during AN OPEN BETA!!! THE GAME HAS BEEN OUT FOR THREE DAYS DUDE YEAH WE’RE LEARNING STUFF ABOUT THE GAME.

            But, apparently, when this stuff bubbles up in Helldivers? It gets stomped *HARD*. People yell stuff about patriotism and treason at the guy until he shuts up.

            Which does my heart good.Report

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