A Festival of Burt Likko: A Bountiful Birthday Buffet of Our Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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9 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    Happy Birthday Burt!Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    Happy Birthday, Burt! (Man, these were good essays.)Report

  3. North says:

    Happy happy Birthday Burt!Report

  4. Greginak says:

    Happy birthday Burt.Report

  5. Slade the Leveller says:

    Happy birthday to the guy with one of the best pseudonym origin stories ever.Report

  6. Burt Likko says:

    Thanks to everyone here for the well wishes! Edited the piece just now — they are “reins” of power (a noun), not “reigns” (a verb). Once an editor…Report

  7. Chip Daniels says:

    I’ll chime to wish the youngster a very happy birthday and hope he has the lung capacity to blow out all those candles.Report

    • Re lung capacity, so near as I can tell the winds have favored Burt this year with less smoke than he would have had if he had not moved.

      For the last few days those of us in the northern Front Range have had actual blue skies. Back to yellow-gray haze today.Report