Vote Like Your Life Depends On It, Because It Does

Election Day: Vote Here, Vote Aqui
Photo by Lorie Shaull from Washington, United States via Wikimedia Commons
In 2016 I voted Third Party, for Gary Johnson, a guy who I have affection for, but honestly thought and still do think would have been a terrible president. I did this because at that point in time, I figured the lesser of two evils is still evil, and a choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was like a choice between botulism and radioactive waste. But also because I knew that Gary Johnson had no chance of winning. My safe little vote for Gary Johnson allowed me to avoid getting my hands dirty, to avoid bearing any responsibility for an outcome that I fully believed would be very bad regardless of who won.
Well, I don’t feel good about doing that in this election. Over the course of the past few years it’s dawned on me that while the lesser of two evils may still be evil, standing by and allowing the greater of two evils to run amok when you could have prevented it or at least tried to stand in its way, is in and of itself morally questionable behavior.
For me. Your mileage may vary. I’m not suggesting a moral judgement for anyone but myself. I am simply reporting on what feels right to ME in the here and now, in the election of a lifetime – I feel I gotta pick a side.
Because the lesser of two evils may not be good, but at the least it’s less evil.
One of the peculiarities of the election of 2016 was the huge and insidious role the media played in the outcome. People seem to have forgotten how it all went down, but just a refresher course: the media told us daily, in just about every way possible, that it was a done deal, the fat lady had sung, Hillary Clinton had it all buttoned up, and the election was simply a formality. Surely it’s ok to throw your vote away in an election that’s already said and done, amirite? I remember about ten days before the election, watching Hillary on the PBS Newshour and her gloating about how she had Beyonce and Jay Z 1 out campaigning for her, and I looked over at my husband and I said, “Call me crazy, but I don’t think she’s gonna win.” And he looked back at me and said “Oh my God, me too!” But what the hell did we know, we were just people, not experts, and so we voted accordingly.
I had thrown my vote away in an election that was very much not decided after all.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I think that had the media not gone all in for Hillary, convincing us all that it was done and dusted, more people would have turned out at the polls, and some people who’d tossed away their vote may not have, and in that scenario the outcome could have been totally different. I have no idea if more people might have shown up to vote Trump, or more people might have shown up to vote Hillary, but had those 97 million eligible voters who declined to vote in 2016 believed that the election was still a horse race, the outcome could easily have been different. Trump might have won far more definitively. Hillary might have pulled it out in the end instead. We’ll never know.
It is a constant source of amusement/disgust to me that for all the attention paid to the Russia, Russia, Russia thing, that the real negative impact in 2016 came from none other than the media 2 convincing eligible voters and not a few of them, that voting was pointless.
I am telling you all this because I want you to understand how important it is that you vote on November 3rd.
I don’t care who you vote for. You HAVE to vote. You MUST vote. I BEG YOU to vote. I don’t care if you live in a “red state” or a “blue state”. Vote. I don’t care if you think your vote doesn’t count. Vote. I don’t care if you have to hold your nose, wear a blindfold, and guzzle a bottle of Pepto-Bismol before doing so. Vote! And while I personally cannot in good conscience vote 3rd party in this election, if that’s where you’re at, vote, vote, VOTE. Get your voice on the record as rejecting both of these buffoons and that you cared enough to want to make it official. Because THEY, the they who thinks they’re so smart they should control everything on Planet Earth but who actually knows next to nothing about anything, needs incontrovertible written proof of the direction in which you want the country to head.
Don’t just stay home in protest. Because people who don’t vote are seen by the “experts” as apathetic, as not caring, as lazy uninformed deplorables who deserve to be ruled over with velvet fists, and I don’t think that’s where any of us are really at. I think most of us DO care. Most of us have at least a mild preference. Not voting is never interpreted by the powers that be as a protest. It’s dismissed as people who are just like, down for whatevs. Thus it becomes very easy for pundits and wiseguys to claim that people who don’t vote think a certain way when there’s no evidence they do. Most of us are not just like, down for whatevs, and voting is a pretty decent way to have our political desires become a part of the official discourse – even if our political desire is as simple as “for the love of God, not THAT guy”.
Something peculiar happened in 2016, in that Hillary Clinton allegedly “won the popular vote” and yet Donald Trump won the election by way of the electoral college. A lot of people seem to have forgotten, but Pepperidge Farm remembers, that this was in no way a sure thing; that many pundits thought prior to the election that it would be Hillary winning the electoral college while Trump won the popular vote and there was this whole big thing where he would refuse to admit he’d lost the election if he won the popular vote. People demanded Trump pledge to accept the results of the election in myriad articles which I now cannot find because here in 2020 they’re running the exact same game and the stuff I am looking for is buried, but it was also mentioned in one of the debates as well. Just as it was possible four years ago, here and now, it is absolutely possible that Trump could lose the electoral college and win the popular vote.
Don’t scoff. If you worried about it in 2016 I guarantee ya you should be worried about it in 2020. In many states, Republicans are registering more new voters than Democrats are and I think a pretty good number of the NeverTrumpers, disappointed in the lack of assurance from any Democrat anywhere that they would pump the brakes on the progressive agenda, are going to come home to roost too. Some evidence indicates that Trump’s support amongst minority voters has surged, meaning not only more votes for him, but fewer for Biden. Weird winds are blowing.
Rumors of Trump’s demise may be highly exaggerated, and if that idea sends chills down your spine, vote. If that idea thrills you to your core, vote. Regardless of who you’re pulling for, vote like your life depends on it, because it does.
If people are using the popular vote as a metric for who the legitimate president is (and Hillary herself has claimed repeatedly that she’s the real president) then a whole lot of people who stayed home in protest or who voted 3rd party like me because “my vote doesn’t count anyway” need to be planning on voting, and those votes may not go where the status quo expects them to. If the legitimacy of our presidential election relies on not the electoral college, but the popular vote, or at least does in the eyes of the media, then a hell of a lot of people who abstained from voting in 2016 since they knew their state’s electoral college vote would go a particular way, are probably thinking they need to vote in 2020.
Indeed, they damn well SHOULD. Even if you’re sitting in the bluest of the blue states, or the reddest of the red, I humbly request that you drag your ass to the polls even if it is raining and let your voice be heard, because the popular vote apparently MATTERS. I know you took civics just like I did and you know your red vote in California won’t make a lick of difference any more than mine does in Washington. I know it’s easy to tell yourself why even bother, but the media has made it relevant. They’ve forced the entirely unconstitutional issue to the forefront by talking up the popular vote as a metric of who “should be” the president, and we the people need to respond to that by voting even when we know that officially our vote “doesn’t count”. For it appears that a whole lot of ways it actually does count.
Vote! I’m begging you, vote!
Speaking of “red” states and “blue” states, let’s talk about that stupid and destructive myth. Believe it or not – and I know you may have a hard time believing it since the media keeps treating it like it’s a thing rather than a straight up falsehood – there ARE no red states and blue states. It just isn’t real. I know this, because I was cursed with a lifelong fascination by politics, and I have watched the outcome of election after election in which the dominant party received somewhere in the 60th percentile of votes and the minority party received somewhere in the 30th percentile of votes. EVEN in very blue and very red areas, this generally holds true. (Generally. I’m sure you industrious folks can come up with exceptions but we’re talking about overall trends here and NOT a declaration of anything set in stone). Everywhere you go, regardless of how we view the political leanings of a state or county or region overall, there are always PLENTY of people in any given area who vote the opposite of what “color” we think they ought to. Even here in the land of ultraconservative wackadoo Matt Shea, there are 30%-40% of people voting Democrat in any given election; always have been, and I suspect there always will be.
Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but our country is pretty divided right now. Some people, and I count myself among them, are worried about civil unrest increasing regardless of who wins in November, and even possibly flaring into civil war. A lot of people across the political spectrum are saying things like “well the blue states need to go off and make their own country” or similar sentiments. I’m sure you’ve heard it too. But all these plans for secession and division and new countries overlook the 30% of red folk living in blue states and the 30% of blue folk living in red.
Do you think these people are just gonna give up their home and lands and move to some other country? Don’t you think maybe they’re going to fight for what is theirs? Even if you could convince millions of people to pick up stakes and move, would that not create a massive amount of economic and social upheaval? Peaceful division, no matter how attractive it may seem, is not really a viable option here. And unlike many of those who seem to be rooting for civil war, I am firmly in the no war camp, because as a history buff I’ve learned that war is not healthy for children and other living things, and when you break things, they stay broken.
I have said it before and I’ll say it again: Bleeding Kansas has nothing on what Bleeding Washington is going to look like. Bleeding Oregon, Bleeding California, Bleeding Texas, Bleeding Massachusetts, Bleeding Michigan, Bleeding Ohio, Bleeding Wisconsin…dudes and dudettes, this country is going to fricking implode if we try to start divvying things up by political persuasion and exodus-ing anyone who doesn’t “fit” geographically. Because THERE ARE NO RED AND BLUE STATES, there is only America, and America, wherever you go, has a lot of liberals and a lot of conservatives and a lot of everything in between all mingled in together. You may as well try to pick the raisins out of an oatmeal raisin cookie as separate them. Yeah, you can do it, I guess, but your cookie will be completely destroyed in the process and you can’t dip crumbs in a glass of milk.
What does this have to do with voting, you may ask? Well, it seems to me like one way we might possibly remind the media and the intellectuals who are so consumed by their raging cases of TDS they missed the memo that we live in a country in which people of many belief systems coexist mostly peacefully (or did up till the invention of Twitter), is by voting. Even if your vote doesn’t count-count, it COUNTS, because if you’re a conservative living in New York City or a liberal living in Chugwater, Wyoming, you need to let people in positions of power know that you are here, you vote, you matter, and you’re not going to toss your hobo bindle over your shoulder and shuffle off somewhere to start a new life, at least not willingly. Maybe if the pundits and authority figures finally get a decent bead on how many people across the political spectrum exist in every area across the US, they’ll quit cosplaying like it’s 1859 and start acting like responsible people in charge of a diverse nation instead of believing in “winner-takes-all” mandates.
Vote! Vote, damn you! Vote!
One of the things I’ve noticed after a lot of elections, but the election of 2016 most of all, is that the “experts” take away (sometimes, seemingly willfully) all the wrong messages. If you don’t vote, you enable them to take away the message that people just don’t care about the outcome. If you don’t vote, you enable them to take away the message that red states and blue states are a thing that really exists and not a social construct. If you don’t vote, telling yourself your vote doen’t count, you are very possibly UNDERMINING the legitimacy of the presidency by playing an electoral college game in a world where apparently, like it or not, the popular vote matters. Don’t let the experts ignore your voice, even though it’s a tiny thing in a great big cesspool.
A single vote may be small, lame, and dumb, but it is very, very far from meaningless.
Vote, you filthy animals!
- Immediately after the election, in my desperate search to find someone, anyone, who seemed to understand why it was Hillary had lost other than myself and my husband, I stumbled onto the writing of former Ordinary Times contributor Freddie deBoer, who begged his fellow leftists to stop the constant appeal to celebrities like Lena Dunham and John Oliver:
Four years later, and nothing has changed. If Trump loses, it was entirely self-inflicted; the Democrats have done literally nothing to demonstrate they learned anything from 2016.
- Not to mention the fact that not only the media, but the Clinton campaign itself promoted and supported Donald Trump over other Republicans because they believed it would be easier to beat him than say, Marco Rubio or Jeb! Media interference in the election of 2016 (which IMO is still continuing in this election, even more so) is one of the biggest scandals of our generation and yet no one seems to want to talk about it.
1) The popular vote doesn’t matter. Anyone who ever thought it did, didn’t remember civics in high school.
2) My state is will go for Biden. Even the “republicans” are liberal compared to any definition of conservative.
3) There’s no need to waste my time.
4) Bed’s made. Time to lie in it. I’m talking to you media dipshits. It was understood your claim of neutrality was BS, but you’ve clearly showed it since before the last election. May you die in the flames that come.
5) Maybe a little civil war will clear out some “dead wood”.?
6) Things gotta get worse before they get better.Report
“1) The popular vote doesn’t matter. Anyone who ever thought it did, didn’t remember civics in high school.”
Yeah. I hate when people bring up the popular vote. It would be like a football team claiming they should win because they had more first downs, even though they had fewer points at the end. The candidates are not campaigning to win the popular vote, they are campaigning to win the electoral vote. If our election was based on popular vote, then it is likely the result of the popular vote would have been different.Report
Its completely true that the popular vote doesn’t matter as to who becomes President.
But it does matter when people start talking about mandates, or saying things like “The American people decided…”
Because while Trump won the election fair and square, its also true that the majority of the votes cast were against him, not in favor of him.Report
1) The popular vote doesn’t matter. Anyone who ever thought it did, didn’t remember civics in high school.
For President, sure. But on the same ballot the popular vote counts very much for one of my state’s US Senators and he may be the tipping point for which party controls that body. And there are a number of state-level referendum and initiative proposals (one makes a very substantial change in how property taxes are set, one would put a much sharper limit on the availability of abortions on the books, one would create a paid medical and family leave program for employees, plus more).Report
“Things gotta get worse before they get better.”
Not necessarily. Some things do have to get worse, or fall apart, before they can be rebuilt better. Some things can be fixed as they go. Let’s not forget that a lot of things can keep getting worse. We’re all an EMP or a virus mutation away from the dark ages. There are a third of a billion people here, and billions more around the world, who need America to not get worse. Even if you’ve got enough ammo and seeds for 50 years, you probably don’t have enough fuel. You probably do have an appendix that might need to come out. But even if all that goes well, how are things getting better in those 50 years?
A survey of history shows that nearly every time there’s a civil war or revolution, the worst people end up in charge. This isn’t a coincidence. In a fair footrace, the fastest person will finish first; in a political free-for-all, the person who will do anything for power will end up with power.Report
Well said.Report
Thanks. Having watched the fall of the Soviet Empire and the Arab Spring play out, I don’t think Americans realize how lucky we were. Not just with Washington, but the whole array of Founders who didn’t want to hold power. Usually you get Spain: twenty factions eventually forming two sides, then the worst of the winning side assuming power. I think Yeltsin is the closest we’ve seen recently to a good person emerging as a leader from the chaos.Report
And yet even Yeltsin was defeated by the drink.
But in all seriousness I think Americans are very naive about the world outside, both now and in history. Sometimes that’s a good thing, to the extent it let’s us be innocent and achieve things we might not with a more cynical, nihilistic culture. Other times though it drives a startling lack of perspective that gives way to hubris and ultimately disaster.Report
Don’t make the assumption that 1) I’m rooting for civil war or something akin to it and 2) that i expect “my side” to prevail or that I’ll even survive.Report
That’s a good clarification. But certainly it’s understandable that someone might infer you’re rooting for civil war when you make a comment like “Maybe a little civil war will clear out some ‘dead wood.'” It’s not the only inference someone can make, but with a comment like that, the inference is in the cards.Report
Maybe I should have said “the tree of liberty must occasionally be watered by the blood of patriots or something 🙂Report
Yep, as I’ve said elsewhere I think a lot of people who root for the civil unrest are those who think they’ll survive it and even may end up better off than they were to start with ~even if the system itself ends up evil-er than it already is~. And while I suppose that’s a take, it’s not MY take, for all the reasons I laid out in my last piece. I don’t want a bunch of people, to like, you know, DIE, because the rest of us can’t pull our shit together and realize, hey, ok, maybe we can change some things without resorting to violence.Report
did you miss the entire middle part of this where I explained that it matters because people are MAKING it matter?
I don’t like that it matters any more than you do, but it IS IMPORTANT because whoever wins the election is going to have their legitimacy questioned and everyone needs to do what it takes to ensure the election is as legitimate as possible.Report
That’s your money quote right there.
Look, I’ve been writing about those voters here and elsewhere since. During the primaries I lamented here often that as the field on the left wore down to Mr. Biden we might well loose this thing because he wouldn’t inspire anyone. Then the Dumpster fire got stuffed into Train Wreck and wrapped in a Cluster F*ck (or whatever it was Jake Tapper said after the debate). And that evaporated from the conversation.
I stand with you in your analysis, and your pleas, especially to the leftists and progressives.
We gain nothing be remaining on the sidelines looking for left side purity.Report
Biden inspires people fine. He beat Warren and Sanders easily when it came to getting the Democratic nomination. People on political don’t like Biden’s style of charisma that much because it isn’t designed for people with graduate degrees or the Internet that much.Report
I don’t particularly care about how inspiring he was to party regulars in the primaries. I care about how inspiring he is to voters in the general. 45% of voters sat it out the last time, and Kristen is correct that had even 5% more of them voted we might have a different outcome.
I also don’t agree that he’s uninspiring for people with graduate degrees. He has my vote. and possibly yours if I read between the lines correctly. We were both going to vote anyway. We both voted last time. We are not the problem Kristen seeks to address.Report
I think a lot of progressives got spoiled with Obama, and are looking for a hero to worship.
Its sort of like those threads I’ve seen about how superhero movies are intrinsically fascist, since they relegate the citizenry to passive bystanders to their own fate while the Man On Horseback saves the day.
What “thrills” me about a possible Biden administration is the exact opposite of hero-worship.
I want a bland competent administration comprised of ordinary citizens who work energetically to make our nation a better place for all.
I really want to stop marching in the streets, or needing to, and I want to wake up every morning and not have to think about the government.Report
Not for nothing but the federal civil service – almost 2million strong nationally – is comprised exactly of “competent administration comprised of ordinary citizens who work energetically to make our nation a better place for all.” We take our service to our fellow citizens seriously, and while we do answer to the Administration in the form of the White House we will be here picking up the pieces after this administration departs.
What you want is leadership that’s competent and working energetically.Report
Are your comments Hatch Act compliant?Report
I’ve made public comments about Administrations since I was hired in early Bush 2 along those lines. Still have a job.
Just reminding everyone that “government” isn’t just the elected politicians and their political appointees.Report
I’ve been stealing people’s mail for 10 years and still haven’t been arrested. Doesn’t make it legal.Report
I’ve been reliably informed that the Hatch Act is no longer in force.Report
@Pinky – I’ve had to pick up pieces after every administration leaves. Its what civil servants do.
That’s not what the Hatch Act is about. But feel free to complain to the appropriate authorities.Report
Yeah. I’m not familiar with the in’s and out’s of the Hatch Act, but as a state employee (not civil service, but many of the same rules apply to me), I can engage in political advocacy as long as it’s not on work time or using work resources.Report
Based upon the anecdotal info I have, I would disagree. I think the force is underworked, generally moderately productive or less, and contains a lot of non value add employees. Your mileage may vary.Report
Speaking anecdotally as a state employee (but technically not civil service, but I work with and among civil service employees), here are my observations (based on the pre-Covid situation. Post-Covid, things are a little different):
1. A large majority of them is dedicated and want to do a good job.
2. Some just phone it in. The number of people who do so and get away with it is probably a lot larger than in the private sector because of how the incentives are lined up. But they’re still, in my view, a small minority. Maybe it’s too big a number, but still a minority.
3. Even most of the conscientious workers, as people who respond to incentives, are probably not as productive as they could be. By that I mean that most (all?) jobs have slack times and times when employees sometimes just don’t work as productively as an outside observer might think they should. I.e.: the workers are humans.
4. We are probably overpaid, especially if we compare to what most of us could earn in the private sector.
5. Speaking for myself personally, I probably am overpaid compared to the value my service actually gives my employer, beyond the fact that I would also earn less in the private sector. Don’t get me wrong. I do believe I do a conscientious job and provide value t the public, but I also think I get more than my services give back. Not that I return the money or quit out of principle.Report
I’d like to add an addendum to #1. Only a small number of the government employees I’ve known or observed are what I would call “super dedicated government worker heroes who have only the best interests of the public at heart.” There are indeed some of those, but pro-government worker arguments (such as we see, for example, when public employee unions talk about those they represent) tend to assume there’s more of them than there are.
Even so, the majority, in my view, really are conscientious, competent, and dedicated.Report
Very early during the Democratic nomination process, many people noted that strongest argument for Biden was that he is going to be the first President in a long time that nobody is going to view as a savior. He didn’t have a cult behind him like Warren and Sanders did. He wasn’t going to be the great savior of the Whites like Trump. He was just going to be President.Report
This is a really good point. Obama was a fine President but I distinctly remember being taken aback by the adulation back in ’08. If Biden wasn’t so old I’d personally be downright enthusiastic for the prospect of his presidency rather than merely firmly content.
But watching the Biden and Trump lines diverging on 538 is lip balm for my agnostic soul. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!Report
Needing a politician you are inspired by seems to be a thing in Presidential systems since the President often takes on a slightly monarchal role for many people. In parliamentary systems, the citizenry never really felt the need to be that inspired by their politicians for the most part. Although this seems to be changing and Prime Ministers are starting to get fan bases. There might be something in the monkey brain that craves a leader you.can look up to.Report
Adulthood is hard.Report
This is a great point.
Along these lines, I’m vaguely interested in contemporary Israeli politics, mostly because I don’t care about the outcome.
Given the trust issues involved, I’m not completely convinced that the continuous support for “unsuitable” officeholders or candidates is completely irrational. Binyamin Netanyahu has tried to convince the Israeli voters that they can’t have mainstream Jewish-centric policy in Israel without him as Prime Minister. And a number of the voters believe him. And of course, a different set of Israeli voters don’t believe him. And other voters oppose mainstream Jewish-centric policy on the substance.
From an outsider’s perspective, I’m still not sure who’s right.Report
I’m reminded of the women in the elevator reacting to meeting Joe Biden. I get the feeling lots of people find Biden inspiring, it’s just none of them are part of the media class, so the media narrative is “Biden doesn’t inspire”.Report
Biden is an old school Irish-American street politician when it comes down to it. The type that will slap you on the back, ask about your spouse and kids, tell stories of the old days, and kiss babies. This works very well with non-online people but it doesn’t do much for very educated voters or the media set, especially if they are forty or below. It just seems to old-fashioned.Report
It is infinitely preferable to the corporatized woke and reactionary alternatives in the system. Which isn’t to say Biden is perfect. But his shortcomings are of the kind our system is built to manage.Report
You forgot to add “grope your daughter, sniff your wife.”Report
I implore people to vote for Jo Jorgensen. If the Libertarians get more than 5%, maybe they can start being included in the debates!
Which, lemme tell ya, are important.Report
Even if your vote doesn’t count-count, it COUNTS, because if you’re a conservative living in New York City or a liberal living in Chugwater, Wyoming, you need to let people in positions of power know that you are here, you vote, you matter, and you’re not going to toss your hobo bindle over your shoulder and shuffle off somewhere to start a new life, at least not willingly.
If your state’s electoral votes are already guaranteed to go one way or the other, making your vote effectively a protest vote, why not cast your protest vote for the candidate who best represents you? You live in Washington, right? That went 53-37 for Clinton in 2016. It’s a foregone conclusion that Biden’s going to win the state, and it’s better to cast a protest vote for Jorgenson than a protest vote for Trump or a vote of confidence for Biden. if I got to cast the deciding vote between Trump and Biden, I’d vote for Biden and then hop in the shower and scrub myself until I bled, but if it’s not going to give a difference, why give either one of those clowns a vote?Report
Because a 3rd party vote feels to me like “if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”Report
I think too many third party voters are choosing from phantom fears, or perhaps some host of holy horrors.Report
Indeed. That’s *WHY* you vote 3rd Party.Report
Yep, it’s all the YYZ’s of it.Report
Odd coincidence; I just watched a video about that song yesterday. Do you know where the opening bit comes from?Report
You mean the Morse Code?Report
Yup. I didn’t know that before.Report
You know, they say that blame is better to give than receive, so I’m blaming Kristin for this entire digression.Report
I like the core point. Vote, vote vote.
The husband and I have already early voted. Coaxed three normally non-voting friends into doing so as well. Minnesota isn’t looking very risky right now but I ain’t taking any chances.Report
Yeah, this is a weird one. I want to agree with the OP, but I don’t.
I do agree, I think, with the logic of voting for a GOP or Demo vs minority party or not voting but I’m not sure it applies here. Part of the idea of voting R/D is that the voter wants to assert some measure of control over the outcome. Even allowing for hedging and caveats, I don’t think we should say Trump is “my guy”.
The lesser evil thing is mildly persuasive, but it assume that we know who the greater evil and the lesser evil are, and I’m not at all sure we do.
The other thing worth mentioning, I don’t think the 1859 analogy is overblown or overstated at all. But, the antagonism is not fueled by the GOP or Demo political establishment. It comes from the grass roots a little bit, but mostly from the activist class. So the point about voting to send a message to the politicians really doesn’t work.Report
“the point about voting to send a message to the politicians really doesn’t work.”
In a democracy, everyone is a politician.Report
The parties have become vessels for capture and in that sense are instruments much more than organs of leadership.Report
The thing here is, voting is important because it shows that people consider the system a valid one. That they think that the way political change happens is that everyone in the country (who feels like it) gets together and throws bits of paper into a big bowl, and then we count how many bits of paper are red and how many are blue, and whoever got more bits of paper gets to run the place. Versus, like, the Proud Boys dragging Clinton out of a limousine and stringing her up from a tree. Even voting for third parties in a way that totally definitely lost the election for (whoever), you still have those people voting, they still actually did think that the way we do things is the way things ought to be done.Report
I think this a really important point. the 45% who didn’t vote in 2016 clearly didn’t think their contribution to the system was valid. And that’s part pf what I mean about inspiration.Report
This is a great point. Better than the OP’s argument, I think.Report
Look, I already had one “this was the longest post ever published on OT” I didn’t want to go for two in a rowReport
Well done DD, that is spot on!Report
“because it shows that people consider the system a valid one.” Precisely. One way to take down a system is to destroy or erode it’s validity. That’s another reason why I don’t vote. The other is that the assumption is that if you vote you endorse the status quo. I don’tReport
Boy, I sure do remember when I was fourteen and it was funny to say awful things and watch the adults get all sadface about it.
I like how you made an “it’s/its” error and dropped the final period, too, it really brings home that “edgelord asshole” aesthetic.Report
This, very much this.Report
Further, it lends legitimacy to the results. When 40% of eligible voters participate, it is hard to say that any victor really represents “the people.” More participants is always better.Report
That is a great point. Truly.Report
Somehow I managed to cut the final paragraph and didn’t catch it before submitting. I added it above, but I’ll post it again here:
One of the things I’ve noticed after a lot of elections, but the election of 2016 most of all, is that the “experts” take away (sometimes, seemingly willfully) all the wrong messages. If you don’t vote, you enable them to take away the message that people just don’t care about the outcome. If you don’t vote, you enable them to take away the message that red states and blue states are a thing that really exists and not a social construct. If you don’t vote, telling yourself your vote doen’t count, you are very possibly UNDERMINING the legitimacy of the presidency by playing an electoral college game in a world where apparently, like it or not, the popular vote matters. Don’t let the experts ignore your voice, even though it’s a tiny thing in a great big cesspool.
A single vote may be small, lame, and dumb, but it is very, very far from meaningless.
Vote, you filthy animals!Report
This is probably one of the best arguments for why people should vote. In the abstract, I might still see it all a little differently, but in real life, I think it’s a very good argument. And mercifully, you avoided the “if you don’t vote, you can’t complain” argument, which I think is a ridiculous argument. (Seriously, if a president has a disastrous policy that hurts thousands of people unnecessarily, I’m not going to say that some x number of those thousands have no “right” to complain just because they didn’t vote.)
Thanks also for bringing the worry, in 2016, that Clinton might win the electoral college and Trump might win the popular vote. I remember that as a “live issue.”
Thanks, overall, for writing the post. It was a good read.Report
Excellent piece, Kristin.
I may or may not have stood in my kitchen last night, ballot in hand, and harangued the voting-age teenagers in my house over who (and what) is on the ballot and how important it is to vote.Report
I saw this flit across my timeline and I laughed.
I couldn’t retweet it due to the name of the account… but, golly. it hit home.