Star Wars And the Rule of Cool
As a scientist, I know that Star Wars is absolutely ridiculous. Spaceships do not make U-turns. Asteroids, even in dense fields, are separated by hundreds or thousands of kilometers. The energy necessary to destroy a planet would require a million years of output from a star.
As an occasional student of military history and technology, I also know that the weapons, ships and tactics in Star Wars are equally ridiculous. The Death Star would be one giant floating target for rebels or terrorists. The Trench Run is completely unnecessary.1 Spaceships fight side-by-side like ships from the Age of Sail, instead of engaging at thousands or millions of miles. And every behemoth seems to have that one point where a single laser blast will make it explode.
As a writer, I know that Star Wars doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Force powers seem contrived to the needs of the moment. Decisions are often made more in service of plot than character.
Everything in the Star Wars universe is ridiculous, impractical and overblown.
And I don’t care one bit.
You see, from Day One, Star Wars decided that it is not a science fiction franchise. It is a fantasy franchise with sci-fi trappings2. It tells its stories using a pastiche of classic films, obscure films and (especially) Kurosawa films. It is built around iconic images, familiar tropes and John Williams’ brilliant music. When Revenge of the Sith came out, James Lileks’ review noted that Star Wars works best as a silent movie, carrying its best moments with Lucas’ impeccable visual sense, Williams’ generational musical talent and minimal dialogue. And I would add that Star Wars, from its inception, has been the definition of the Rule of Cool:
The Rule of Cool: The limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief for a given element is directly proportional to its awesomeness.
Stated another way, all but the most pedantic of viewers will forgive liberties with reality as long as the result is wicked sweet or awesome. This applies to the audience in general; there will naturally be a different threshold for each individual. Also known in some circles as a “rad herring”, in which something doesn’t make sense within the guidelines of the story’s reality, but it’s too cool not to include it.
Today is Star Wars Day and it particularly marks the 40th anniversary of what most would agree to be the best film in the franchise: The Empire Strikes Back. Eric posted an excellent review of the film a few months ago that covers the themes, the script and the overall importance in the arc. But I want to hone in one aspect in particular. Because no film exemplifies the Rule of Cool quite as perfectly, quite as dramatically, quite as overwhelmingly as Episode V.
Consider for a moment, the opening battle on Hoth. There’s a small throwaway line to actual military tactics, where the Empire comes out of light speed too early and the rebels are able to raise a deflector shield against planetary bombardment (exit Admiral Ozzel, pursued by a force choke). But then the Empire launches a ground assault, spearheaded by AT-ATs.
But … AT-ATs as a military machine make absolutely no sense. They are slow, ponderous, unwieldy, awkward behemoths. They can only attack in one direction and are easily tripped up and destroyed by tow cables. Only very strong armor and very weak blasters stops the rebels from blowing out the kneecaps of each one and calling it a day (as they did in Rogue One). I would rather go into battle in an Abrams tank. Without an engine.
But … look at this shot.
This is one of the more iconic shots in movie history. It’s not just beautiful, although it is beautiful. The white snow, the rebels running in the foreground, the impractical, worthless, exceptionally vulnerable walkers looming with menace in the background. But it’s also a shot that tells a story. It gives the layout of the battlefield and sense of how the battle is going in one image. It shows the desperation of the rebels and the technological might of the Empire. If I cut out the first act of the movie and just showed you this, you’d know what had happened.
And those lumbering behemoth AT-ATs, which no general would ever use in battle unless he didn’t like his men, are the key element of the shot. They are what makes it awesome. It wouldn’t work with fast tanks hovering low to the ground. Or snipers picking off targets at a distance of a kilometer. No, it needs those terrible things to work.
I’ve been thinking about Star Wars and the Rule of Cool ever since The Rise of Skywalker came out in December3 There are many criticisms one can level at the sequels. They are often derivative of the original series. There isn’t really a plot so much as a bunch of stuff that happens. It abandons the throughline of the original series that clearly was heading toward the idea of a “Gray Jedi” order that could harness both sides of the Force. I liked the sequels, but I can understand why others didn’t.
But one line of criticism absolutely baffled me, which was that the sequels lacked practicality, logic and reason. Critics harped on the First Order’s tactics or Holdo’s management style or the appearance of previously unknown Force powers. But as Cinema Wins argued, that has always been the case with Star Wars. None of the technology has ever made sense. None of the tactics have ever been rational. And the Force has been a giant Whatever plot device for 43 years.
What you mean to say is that the movie wasn’t good enough for you to suspend disbelief, the way you do with the other films. And that’s a perfectly legitimate criticism. I might disagree with it, but I can’t tell you how much to enjoy a movie and at what threshold it crosses the Rule of Cool for you. But that’s the way it needs to be framed. Because if you’re going to start pretending that Stars Wars is science fiction and that everything in it has to make sense, you’re going to find the ground crumbling beneath your feet.
While Luke undergoes an intense vigorous life-changing course of Jedi training that lasts maybe three days, his compatriots are fleeing the Empire. First, they run through an asteroid field much denser than anything that exists in mature solar systems. Then they are almost eaten by a cave monster which has grown shockingly large given that his diet appears to consist of the occasional freighter stopping in for a pee break. And finally, they evade the Empire by hiding in a way that would make my 6-year-old, currently the lowest-ranked Hide-And-Seek contestant on Earth, instantly say, “I see you!”
There is no way this could ever work. Anyone who looks out a window will notice the big spaceship. A tie fighter on combat patrol would notice it. Hell, half the fleet probably saw it stop, reverse and land.
But when I first saw this movie and this image, people laughed. Not with derision but with joy. Because the movie sells it so completely. Because it’s absolutely in character for Han to hide literally under the soon-to-be-choked Captain Needa’s nose. And again, because of the Rule of Cool. It sets up another beautifully composed shot that tells us the story. The Falcon is hiding in the lion’s den, surrounded by dozens of star destroyers and waiting for its moment to slip free. This of course, sets up the next iconic moment when Boba Fett, instead of saying, “Your boy is attached to the ship, gimme my money” emerges from the garbage pile to silently follow the Falcon to Bespin.4
From there, we go to the gas mines of Bespin. What’s a gas mine? Why is it in the clouds? Why exactly does it have a city filled with civilians instead of a bunch of droids mining gas?
Who. Cares. It looks like this:
One almost gets the feeling that Lucas wrote Luke’s line “I saw a city in the clouds” and then created Cloud City based on that. Borrowing heavily from Close Encounters of the Third Kind and other sci-fi tropes, it is a massive saucer. The lighting varies from friendly daytime when things are going well to stark sunset when the jaws of the Empire are closing in on our heroes.
And it is here where Vader set up his masterstroke to…freeze Luke? For some reason? Because just putting him a tin can and towing it Coruscant wouldn’t work? The carbon freezing scene is dramatic, powerful, and emotional. As a kid, it first filled me with terror and then hit me with one of the starkest images I’d ever seen in a movie:
Han. The Rogue of the Galaxy. The scoundrel that everyone wanted to be. Frozen in carbonite. And I went to the video because you have to watch to feel the impact of Williams’ mournful music and the sudden violent slam as the carbonite crashes to the floor.
Like most of the films, The Empire Strikes Back ends with a lightsaber duel. And not just any duel. Arguably the best of the series. It is beautifully shot. The two contestants have very distinct and different styles. There are heavy stakes. There is a flow and plot to the fight, with Vader first toying with Luke and then completely overpowering him. It’s one of the best action sequences in movie history.
Which is funny if you take a step back because lightsabers are, without question, one of the fundamentally dumbest weapons in all of film.
I did a little recreational fencing in college. One day, we were using the saber when my helmet rang like a gong. It turned out, I’d accidentally hit myself in the head5 Even experts frequently hit their foes and themselves. That’s why you wear all that protective gear. That’s why fencers in the past prided themselves on having the occasional scar on the face or the hands.
If lightsabers were real, every single Jedi would be covered in burn marks and/or missing limbs. I don’t care how strong you are with the Force. You’re going to screw up. You’re going to overswing. You’re going to accidentally hit yourself.
I mean, look at this:
I mean, Come. On. Anyone who has kids knows that within about ten seconds, everyone in that class would be cut in half. Try lining up kids that age just for a class picture and you’ll get at least half pointed in random directions. Now imagine them pointed in random directions, twirling around, sticking digits in orifices, etc. with a lightsaber.
But look at the image again. It’s just a casual one-off shot midway through Attack of the Clones. And yet, Lucas’ composition is as perfect as ever. Yoda off-center in the foreground, the Younglings in the middle, the frantic Coruscant traffic in the background. That shot tells a story. That shot contains everything you need to know about what’s happening. It obviates the need for some crappy “Hey, Big Y, wassup?” “Nothing, Kenobs, just training these young Jedi to use lightsabers!” dialogue.
And in Empire, the unwieldy, absurdly dangerous, massively impractical ultra-short range lightsabers give us images like this:
And you’ll find equally magnificent shots in just about all the movies. Qui-gon and Kenobi vs. Maul. Yoda vs. Dooku. Anakin vs. Kenobi. Rey and Kylo vs. Snoke’s guards. Every time we hear a lightsaber ignite, it sends a thrill down our collective spine. Because we know we’re about to witness some beautiful film-making.
And that is a particular quality of the light saber. Edit that image to put guns or bazookas or even regular swords in their hands and it doesn’t work. The light beam itself is the critical part of each shot, giving it a focal point. They immediately and irresistibly draw our attention. Note that in that shot, the crossed sabers are slightly off-center, meaning they are the subject. The color, the stance of the actors, the blue-orange-black setting, the steam…all of it is designed around those silly laser swords.
I am not ashamed of being a big fan of the franchise. I’ve liked almost everything they’d done and loved quite a bit of it. Loved the originals. Enjoyed the prequels. Liked the sequels. Liked most of the associated media and video games. But it has never been and never will be science fiction. It will always be something that leans heavily on fantasy and movie tropes and the familiar. It is always about making things look so wonderful and so amazing and so engrossing that the Rule of Cool applies: we suspend our disbelief.
The recent revival of Clone Wars and the unexpected delight of The Mandalorian are reminders of just how good Star Wars can be when it’s on the right side of the rule. And Empire, looking as good as ever at age 40, is how good it can be when it does it perfectly.
- Those of you in the know will have seen The Dam Busters, which recreates a real-life attack where the “trench run” tactics were needed to get bombs to skip off the water, smack into a dam and sink to the bottom of the reservoir before exploding.
- Movie 1: An evil sorcerer abducts a beautiful princess and imprisons her in his impregnable fortress. A young farm boy, a pirate, two servants and a wizard rescue the princess then lead the townsfolk into victory in battle.
- Well, not constantly. Just, you know, occasionally.
- Few characters benefited as much from the Rule of Cool as Boba Fett, who did little in the movies but became beloved because his costume was just so awesome.
- Although, to be fair, accidentally decapitating myself with a light saber is how I’m sure a lot of people would expect me to go.
Let me just preface this by saying I really really really really really really loved this piece. It made me smile about 500 times and it’s great. I agree overall with the point you’re making.
That having been said I would add one minor quibble and a major one.
The minor one is this – I always took the clumsiness of the Empire’s methods to be associated with a technologically advanced and overwhelmingly-forced well established government ruling over a lot of fairly primitive star systems. You can see what I mean in The Mandalorian when they send the At-At to attack the farmers. I felt like the Empire could get away with having some clumsy technology because most of the people they were ruling over didn’t have as much or any tech, and it was the EMPIRE, no one stood up to them because if you did, they send an overwhelming force to make you toe the line (this was sadly undone to a rather ridiculous extent in the sequels by finding out all this Empire stuff had happened over the course of what – 20 years? but I digress) I figured the Empire was like the Germans in WWII, they invested vast sums of money in technology that didn’t work well in the field but it didn’t matter, they were still able to conquer countries who were running their armies like it was 1885. Big nation states are always making terrible technology that costs huge sums of money and sucks and they get away with it because they’re big nation states. So that never really ended up being in the realm of disbelief for me.
My major quibble is this (and I’m not sure this even IS a quibble really, because you’re saying that if you like the movie, you’ll suspend disbelief for it, and I’m really talking about bad movies here) – the Rule of Cool breaks completely apart in modern movies. For instance I saw this movie called “Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter” which had several pretty amazing action sequences, and yet, still sucked. The rebooted Star Trek movies are the same – some of the stuff in them I absolutely love, but the whole is so much less than the sum of their parts that it’s kinda infuriating. Some movies even seem to be ruined by the addition of “cool” where it basically beats you over the head with it like the Hobbit reboots. Cool is not enough to carry a movie, and I get that’s not even what you’re saying but I just felt the burning need to flesh out the point, LOL.
I feel like a lot of screenwriters approach moviemaking with this idea of “wouldn’t it be cool if…” such and such happened. “Wouldn’t it be cool if King Kong fought a bunch of dinosaurs?” “Wouldn’t it be cool if Kirk and Khan had to base jump from ship to ship?” “Wouldn’t it be cool if we livened up that scene where Bilbo and the dwarves escape in the barrels?” Then they proceed to string together a series of cool events on the flimsiest of pretenses, at the expense of storytelling and characterization, and it makes it so you don’t even really care about what happens on the screen.Report
Thanks, Kristin. And I absolutely agree on the rule of cool breaking down for a bad movie. I get into that a little bit on the sequels. I wrote a piece on my own blog about Action Movie Bloat and how bad it gets because they want to put in every cool stunt, every wicked move, every way of beating the bad guy. So you’re right, one of the reasons the Rule of Cool works in the OT is that it does show some restraint, careefully choosing what it wants to do.
I love it when we agree vigorously! 🙂Report
Ok I need a link to that!!Report
Here you go!
Thanks bud!Report
Hey, I really loved this! If you ever wrote that “Into Darkness” piece I’d love to read that too. Just rewatched WoK about a week ago and was struck by how perfectly paced it was.Report
I wrote about it and several other films here:
one more and then I’ll shut up, but your piece on The Princess Bride touches on why the long drawn out “wouldn’t it be cool if…” action sequences are so inferior
“I figured the Empire was like the Germans in WWII, they invested vast sums of money in technology that didn’t work well in the field but it didn’t matter, they were still able to conquer countries who were running their armies like it was 1885. Big nation states are always making terrible technology that costs huge sums of money and sucks and they get away with it because they’re big nation states. So that never really ended up being in the realm of disbelief for me.”
At least in that regard, my understanding is that George’s Lucas’ inspiration for the Empire was America during the Vietnam War. It comes up in a number of those behind-the-scenes documentaries about it.
Other people have mentioned this, and I agree: One of the biggest mistakes of “Rogue One” and “Solo” was to try to explain things. Why the Death Star had a hole leading directly to the self-destruct button. Why Han Solo was named “Solo” and how exactly doing the Kessel Run in parsecs meant the Millennium Falcon was fast.
The more you do to try to explain the previous cool stuff, the less time you can spend on making other stuff that looks cool.Report
Even not just the previous cool stuff, but the current cool stuff. The first part of Pacific Rim, for example, has a pretty tedious and unnecessary (I think it was even voice over) explanation of how the bonding with the robots worked, and it just did not need to be there. It detracted from me getting into the world.
I didn’t hate Solo but I did cringe mightily when he “got his name.” That was UGH.Report
The most recent and IMO offensive example of this is Prometheus/Alien Covenant.Report
I’m so old that I’m still surprised that nerd culture has erupted so big in the West in recent years. Nerd culture was still nearly an underground thing and definitely amateurish when I was in high school, college, and law school during the late 1990s and early aughts. I remember people in my college’s anime club, including myself at the time, being rather jealous of Japan’s thriving otaku culture with its’ nearly professional quality doujinshi and all sorts of commercial goodies available outside the canon material. They even had places in cities like Tokyo were you could cosplay at least one day a week in public. In contrast, Western fans had fan fiction of dubious legality and flick songs.
Japanese media corporations and publishing houses realized that they can commercialize Japanese fandom really early on and earn serious money from it. Their American and European equivalents seemed a lot less into doing this until sometime between 2000 and 2010. Its not like they didn’t use fans to make money but they didn’t cultivate and patronize the fan community the.way the Japanese companies did.Report
I too am still wowed and amazed by it. I remember longing for Hello Kitty merch as a child (which was only available in a small section in the very back of Hallmark) and now as a 50 year old woman I can basically get anything with Kitty on it. Let alone Star Wars/Star Trek, which was even in my adulthood seen as uncool. Bizarre.Report
When it comes to The Force, how did they describe it in Episode 4?
“Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.”
Holy cow. That’s great. You don’t even notice that he’s begging the question in the first sentence. The second sentence… all living things… okay, so that gives us some rules right there. Wookies might tap into The Force. Droids can’t. Okay. Fair enough. It surrounds us and penetrates us… and it binds the galaxy together. Well, there weren’t always living things were there? You know what? It doesn’t matter.
I’m on board.
What did they do with Episode 1?
Qui-gon says that they need a urine and stool sample to test for The Force. Obi-Wan says “I’m in a hurry, can I just leave my underwear?”
Everyone in the theater audibly sighed when they talked about Midichlorians. I just sighed right now remembering them.Report
Yeah, they dropped the midichlorians like a 300 pound maggot the second they could. It was an example of how you don’t need to explain the Force. You make it cool enough and engaging enough and we won’t care.Report
Worse still was the virgin birth. Also dropped, thankfully.Report
It really says something that so much of the stuff introduced in Episode 1 was so thoroughly dropped that the Machete Order, which eliminates the movie from the viewing entirely, is still able to work.Report
The only redeeming feature of TPM is that it inspired the Weird Al parody.Report
Hmmn, you don’t *have* to explain the force in a summer blockbuster… but if you aren’t curious about the force and what it means, and don’t have the chops to build a coherent mythology then you should be careful about delving into it any more than saying it is a mystery that mystics have contemplated time immemorial. And, if you’re mostly just ripping off things that other people have thought about to stick into a summer blockbuster, well, then you’re George Lucas.Report
If George Lucas were president he’d suggest that people mainline Lysol.Report
…or exciting new internal uses for light sabers combating viruses.
No he wouldn’t. That’s just mean.
He was just a really good technical director who needed a story he could project his new ideas on… its not his fault people liked it and he had to come up with more material.Report
He didn’t need to come up with new material, lots of folks already doing that. He just needed to pick one and pay the person.
Same thing Disney should have done (pay Zahn and make those movies).Report
Very similar to hiring good medical and logistical experts and getting out of the way. Good thing Lucas didn’t have an idiot son-in-law.Report
To this day, I can’t say whether it was the midicholorians or Jar Jar that told me, “these prequels aren’t for me.”Report
The movie A History of Violence has a great scene where assassins fail to kill the protagonist despite having been set up to succeed by the antagonist.
Set up quite well, by the antagonist’s lights.
Anyway, after the initial carnage, the antagonist walks up to one of the not-quite-yet-dead assassins and asks “How do you (eff) that up?” and then, a second time, “HOW DO YOU (eff) THAT *UP*???”
That’s how I felt after Episode 1.
The movie I had been looking forward to since discussing it on the playground in the 80’s. The movie that I heard how Lucas said it’d be 20 years before he’d have the technology that would allow him to make it and how that was an unthinkable amount of time in the future.
How do you (eff) that up?Report
-Umberto Eco
I saw the Star Wars movies as a kid, when they came out. And, in my late twenties, when episode 1 came out I had a chance to see it the night before general release. I walked out halfway through. That movie destroyed any bit of nostalgia for the films I had. And those films were a major bit of my childhood. Some can go back home, othes cannot.Report
Why wouldn’t whores weep at the sound of “La Marseillaise”? I’m sure they get homesick too. Many of Casablanca’s actors came from occupied Europe, and their tears were real.Report
“This isn’t a film, it’s a church service,” sort of thing?Report
“Everything in the Star Wars universe is ridiculous, impractical and overblown.” I agree. EVERY space show that I can recall has spaceships that maneuver like conventional jets in atmosphere. I noticed it in star wars but I didn’t care.
I will say this. “There are many criticisms one can level at the sequels. They are often derivative of the original series.” DERIVATIVE? The first of the most recent movies was a crappy copy of the original star wars. I sat in the theatre and thought to myself, “I paid money to see this and MORE money to see it in 3 D?…waste of money.”
And the SW nerds have ruined Skellig Micheal tourism. I’ll never get to see it. Bastards.Report
One of the true joys of Babylon Five is that the space ships moved like ships in space would. Pitching and yawing in place, then firing mains to change trajectory. There are some sequences with “fighters” doing this all over the screen. It’s visually primitive – low res CGI – but still wonderful to me.
At the same time, the whole “WWII fighters” thing looks very cool and interesting, and understandable.Report
Love me some B5. Not only really well-thought out in those terms but one of the few series to execute a long arc succesfully.Report
Agreed. It was only surpassed, in my opinion, by Farscape.Report
Oh man Farscape was brilliant. By the way, have you watch The Expanse, that handles spacecraft very realistically as well.Report
Those are sci-fi I actually really like (as opposed to Star Wars which I’ve long accepted I simply wasn’t exposed to at the right age).
Was a shame with Farscape though how scewy the production was. Seemed like they almost killed it while it was at its height with really a abrupt changes in tone.Report
The flaws are strong with this franchise.
Creatively, a sci-fi or fantasy author has the additional burden of world building instead of relying on a known one, which is what’s done for a period or contemporary work. Sometimes an author has to build a special sub-world for a contemporary piece, such as in the Bond or John Wick franchises or the “Person of Interest” series, and we buy into over-the-top villain, a guild of assassins, or rogue AI’s that watch everything.
But the world’s need a consistent set of rules, even if the details are fleshed out as the work unfolds, or as evolving societies and tech change the situation, which can also be the heart of the story (how a society reacts to new pressures and new developments, aka “Star Trek”). This perhaps works so well because every one of us was born into a fabulously complex and crazy world, and even children can explain what you can and can’t do with all the amazing things in our modern lives. Julius Caesar would have no idea why you can’t put kitty in the microwave, but our kids know why. They know lots of things he didn’t because they absorbed the rules of our modern world, where taking an mini-van ride to the airport to fly across a continent to see Mickey Mouse makes perfect sense.
There are elements of Star Wars that make perfect sense in this light. Of course they’re going to have land speeders. Of course they’ll probably race them. Of course they’ll have starships and laser weapons and body armor. Of course they’ll have a dive bar full of aliens and smugglers. In this regard, Star Wars was far superior to Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Stargate SG-1, whose limited sets and budgets didn’t let them really flesh out most of the planets they visited. On those shows, almost the planets that even have an outdoors look like tiny spots in Southern California, British Columbia, or Great Britain. Tattooine, Hoth, and Endor are not in the budget, much less Coruscant or Naboo. Lucas’s visual imagination won hands down on that one.
One of Lucas’s fundamental decisions was his decision that space combat would look like WW-II fighter and naval combat. From a scientific standpoint, that’s a horribly wrong answer, but from a filmmaking decision is was a good one because unlike folks prior to WW-I, we all know the “world rules” of 20th century aerial and naval combat because we’ve already seen it. Fox Movietone News already did that part of Lucas’s world building for him.
We’d also seen Star Trek and other sci-fi, most of which has to imagine a solution to the problem that stars are far apart, so “lightspeed” is just another version of “warp” or “hyperspace”. And Star Trek had already added deflector shields. Shields are an important “cheat{ in a show where a ship is frequently engaging in combat. Accumulating battle scars wouldn’t work with the episodic nature of Star Trek, and it means the model shop doesn’t have to keep modifying the ship. But the deflector shield cheat also kills a lot of the drama and action. The Expanse with shields would be cheesy. On that show everybody is putting on space suits and strapping in because hypervelocity projectiles are going to punch holes in their thin aluminum hull. After a battle they have to fix their ship so it holds air again. That’s way better than having a console explode into sparks as a helmsmen hollers “Shields are down to 35%!”
Taking such a world and inserting a fantasy plot from a David Campbell hero’s journey, with magic powers and laser swords, was a leap that few people would have made, but Lucas pulled that off, too. But you could argue that many of Lucas’s other major decisions were bad, added as elements because they’d look visually stunning instead of making logical sense. This problem grew worse over time, and began to undermine the understanding of the world rules that the audience had naturally formed. This became a glaring problem in the sequels. The prequels were mostly hampered by Lucas not being good at crafting stories and having a poor feel for an audience’s emotional journey, moment by moment, and being surrounded by equally untalented yes men.
There was great hope that in someone else’s hands, Star Wars could become transcendent, fulfilling its potential. Sadly, we don’t live in that universe, either.Report
I found The Rise of Skywalker disappointing, in part because they chickened out on where the plot was going – a new way to understand and embody The Force that avoided a dualistic, manichaean existence.
AND, I think the lightsaber duel on the wreckage of the Death Star in the ocean of Endor to be one of the most beautiful, moving pieces of film I’ve ever seen.
And the use of vital transfer that Ben uses to save Rae? It was perfect. It was played and shot as well as it is possible to humanly do.Report
Agree with all those points. I liked a lot of aspects of ROS.Report
I think you’re rather missing a key element of suspension of disbelief as it relates to rule of cool: plausible logic. A thing doesn’t actually need to work in reality, but it does need to be the sort of thing that a motivated fan can easily come up with a plausible reason that at least sounds like it might be true. For example:
“There is no way this could ever work. Anyone who looks out a window will notice the big spaceship. A tie fighter on combat patrol would notice it. Hell, half the fleet probably saw it stop, reverse and land.”
1) It clearly did work, 2) unsurprisingly heavily armored spaceships do not HAVE many windows for incoming fire to hit end expose the internals to vacuum, 3) have you even played Tie Fighter, the sensors suck and visual on anything beyond spitting distance is terrible, space is FULL of tiny off-white objects in the far distance, and 4) How? I already covered that the sensors suck and visuals were worse, not to mention that the MF is a smuggler’s vessel and avoiding capture is kinda Han’s specialty.
“From there, we go to the gas mines of Bespin. What’s a gas mine? Why is it in the clouds? Why exactly does it have a city filled with civilians instead of a bunch of droids mining gas?”
1) To mine gas, obviously, 2) a place to extract a natural resource (gas), 3) because that’s where the gas naturally occurs, and 4) because the spin-sealed gas is an essential component in military grade starship energy weapons and nobody trusts re-programmable droids to handle a critical (and inherently explosive) part of their national security supply chain.
“Which is funny if you take a step back because lightsabers are, without question, one of the fundamentally dumbest weapons in all of film….If lightsabers were real, every single Jedi would be covered in burn marks and/or missing limbs.”
Counter-point: A sword is the single most effective melee weapon for killing other armed humans in the history of humanity. A sword that is both lightweight and yet still quite capable of cutting through practically any armor (or fortification for that matter) is in fact quite possibly the theoretical optimal melee weapon. 2) Training sabers are the rough equivalent to a nerf bat, injury potential is nonexistent, and full-trained Jedi can perfectly block near-lightspeed projectiles with flawless precision, likewise Jedi training begins at childhood and is an all-day every day matter, not remotely comparable to “recreational fencing”, so “Strong with the Force” is sufficient explanation for something as simple as not hitting yourself, but it isn’t even required given the sheer disparity in training hours involved.
See? You might not agree with any of that, but it’s easy enough to come up with something off the cuff that could stand up to some debate. THAT is key to Rule of Cool.
Anyway, great article, really enjoyed it. Thanks! 😀Report
I never begrudged sci-fi or superhero “one miracle exceptions,” but I always insisted on plausibility within the terms of the miracle exception. My pet peeve was the Six Million Dollar Man. I’ll accept bionics, but an arm, a leg, and an eye? (I’ll leave out what every dirty-minded adolescent male, if that’s not a redundancy, was thinking.) I’ll buy that Steve could be strong enough to, say, throw a car, but even with a bionic arm and leg, his spine would snap. Why not build him right, within the conventions of fictional bionic technology? Or Thor’s power of flight. It’s actually physically possible (though not for someone with normal human power and normally-constructed human shoulders) to spin a hammer fast enough and, with a well-timed jump, hurtle through the air. But once off the ground, Thor and his hammer are simple projectiles, like the Incredible Hulk, and they can’t maneuver like, say, Superman. By the way, how does Superman’s power to fly work? He’s not Iron Man with jets (hey, dirty-minded adolescent male, shut up!) or Hawkman or Angel with wings — don’t get me started on how no vertebrate had wings growing out of its shoulder blades instead of arms turning into wings, or Jean Grey levitating with psychokinetic powers. So what, mechanically, is Superman doing when he flies?Report
Lucas threw in lightsabers, along with quickly showing that they could deflect blaster fire, otherwise you’d have the same situation as Raiders of the Lost Ark and a quick reminder why nobody uses swords anymore. They don’t survive in a world of rapid fire projectile weapons.
But the logic, mechanics, or physics behind it is very flimsy, and although the audience is willing to suspend disbelief because the story is cool, it’s not wise to test the boundaries of the logic or the plot device won’t hold up. The prequels screwed up by trying to add more to a structure that could barely stand up on its own. What if lightsabers could saw through steel doors? What if someone used two lightsabers? What is someone used twenty spinning lightsabers? What if a clone trooper could somehow elude the force and just blast Jedis like shooting womp rats? What if someone has a six barreled gun? What if they came in purple? Lightsabers went from an elegant weapons from a more civilized age (the original trilogy) to a cheesy comic book plot device. Along with that, the Force morphed from tapping into a higher plane of existence, which was awe inspiring, to a simple yeast infection.Report
“Lucas threw in lightsabers, along with quickly showing that they could deflect blaster fire, otherwise you’d have the same situation as Raiders of the Lost Ark and a quick reminder why nobody uses swords anymore. They don’t survive in a world of rapid fire projectile weapons.”
This is not entirely a fair summation of the state of melee weapons in regards to rfpg, Star Wars fights frequently take place in precisely the two circumstances where firearms are most limited: close quarters (corridors, tunnels, etc) and places where stray fire is seriously undesirable (on ship in space, around delicate electronics like control panels and power/engine rooms. So there’s a very good reason to have a dedicated close-quarters weapon, particularly one that doubles as a door-breaching tool. If we had lightsabers right now, you can bet that your average U.S. marine would carry one in his kit just for the sheer utility it provides (if not have it mounted in the bayonet slot on his rifle). I wouldn’t be a primary weapon for anyone who can’t block blaster shots with it, but it would still be a very practical weapon for anyone who fights CQB more often than open field.
There are a number of scifi settings that actually make fairly good cases for the continued relevance of melee weaponry (even without pseudo-psychics), though it is dependent on typical combat locations and the given balance between armor and ranged weapon technology (i.e. The Mandolarian has a similar effective range with his wrist-flamer and that sees plenty of use; he’d be similarly effective with a lightsaber even without the Force as his armor replaces the need to deflect blaster shots). It’s much the same reason the military still teaches combatives: even with guns that hit 300m easy, fights still get into fist-to-face often enough for it to be worthwhile to prepare for it.Report
The Fast and the Furious franchise is a great example of The Rule of Cool.
I don’t like super hero movies. I love the F&F movies. Someone pointed out they’re basically super hero movies without acknowledging self. They’re right. But they’re cool. So I still love them.Report
A rewrite/edit of a discussion I found on Twitter…
“my longtime contention has been that star wars was never meant to be a sci-fi movie: there’s too much tedious peripheral shit in this goofy non-euclidean universe to be Proper Science Fiction at all. I think it was OK as a movie, but it was never meant to be anyone else’s thing than George Lucas’s. He had a story he wanted to tell made of cool bits of other stories, and he did, and he never figured about what other people might do with *his* stories. That’s why the stuff people try to worldbuild using Star Wars doesn’t make any sense, because the original was never supposed to make sense. And to be fair, if you were watching those old WWII dogfight movies and trying to back out the world from that, you’d get a pretty strange result as well, like, why do so many dudes all over the world look like John Wayne? Did humans develop cloning technology before atomic power and microcircuitry?”Report
Star Wars is Nostalgia. That’s part of what made it so resonant.
Star Trek looked to the Future… Star Wars didn’t. It was a long, long time ago.Report
Lucas showed that you could make pretty good, incredibly successful movies substituting gosh-wow visuals and appealing characters for plot, logic, and dialogue. In the sequels, he showed that without appealing characters you lose “pretty good” but not “incredibly successful”.Report
There’s a YouTube video out there where a guy discusses how practical fencing with a lightsaber would look nothing like the duels in SW, and it would not be very exciting at all (except for deflecting blaster fire).Report
All theatrical fencing, regardless of type of blade, is unrealistic. Just to pick one aspect, to make the fighting both fit in and fill the visual frame the director wants, the participants have to be much too close together. I suspect this is true for all one-on-one combat, except in small confined areas and with a whole bunch of rules so the fighters can’t hurt each other too badly. Lightsaber distance is likely to be particularly long, since first touch is always going to win.Report
Yeah, that surprised me when I was fencing. Closing in makes you vulnerable.Report
Same for Kendo, if you are closing in, you had best be moving through with a decisive strike, or you are done if your opponent is even somewhat on the ball.Report
Fencing against someone who understands (and uses) distance is a much more frustrating undertaking.Report
This discussion reminds me of Lincoln’s terms for his duel (as was his right as the challenged party): (1) the largest cavalry broadswords of identical size that can be found; and (2) each combatant to remain within his own adjoining rectangular box, drawn to a depth of the length of a broadsword plus three feet. Anybody leaving their box forfeited.
Lincoln’s adversary was a military man with sword-training, but cavalry broadswords are heavy, hacking weapons. Given Lincoln’s height and long arms, he believed after a month’s practice that he could knock the sword out of his opponent’s hands without hurting anyone including himself.Report
A few years ago I had an elderly coach, who had had an elderly coach in college, who had fenced a duel in Italy in the 1930s. My coach had inherited the little news clipping from the paper in Rome mentioning it. Here’s the story my coach told.
The American had recently graduated from college and was doing one of those “visit the continent” summers. At a bar he had gestured broadly and spilled an Italian colonel’s drink. He apologized profusely and replaced the drink. That night the colonel apparently decided that he was still offended and sent someone around to the American’s hostel room to issue the challenge. Not knowing what to do, the American accepted and chose epees, which he was used to from college. They faced off on a tennis court outside Rome proper — duels were illegal in Rome — the next morning near dawn, each with an epee with the safety tip ground to a point. (I once saw a broken epee blade slide through someone’s calf slick as a whistle; a sharpened epee is a lot sharper than a broken blade; I am much more nervous about broken blades than I was before seeing that accident.) The American realized he was by far the better fencer, worked distance, and then scratched the Italian across his weapon forearm. The seconds and attending doctor rushed to stop things, bind the scratch, and the whole lot spent the rest of the day bar-hopping.Report
The thing I always figured about lightsabers is that they’re a lot more useful when you can actually see the future. Like, “if I swing my lightsaber like this I’ll chop off my own head, so, better not do that.”
There’s a bit in the movie “Hero”, done effectively there but cribbed from any number of fencing/fighting stories, where two combatants are standing and facing each other, not moving; the movie keeps cutting to black-and-white footage of them furiously doing martial arts at each other, the idea being that they’re planning out the fight in their heads; “I’m gonna try to kick him and he’s gonna dodge, so I’ll punch up, but he’ll have figured that and already have his hands up to block, so I’ll jump to the side, and he’ll be trying to kick me so I have to duck…” The chess-master idea that you play the whole game out in your head, and whoever is better at doing that will win. And that’s basically how Jedi lightsaber fighting works; whoever can see the future far enough and fast enough wins the fight.Report
Dang good scene. Dang good movie.
Good movie, good scene and really illustrative of how alien some Chinese modes of thinking are to a western mindset.Report
Although eh Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes movies do employ a similar concept.Report
Jedi Master = OODA MasterReport