Weekend Plans Post: Post-Thanksgiving Recovery

You just know how they started calling naps~ “CAT NAPS”~
After a delightful Thanksgiving dinner with the family (in which I asked my nephews about this cool new game called “Fortnite” and whether they’ve ever heard of it) and took the family pictures and decided who was in charge of getting presents for whom among the adults (given that we’ve all agreed that “kids” make Christmas fun and a $25 limit is appropriate because, seriously, we’re all middle-aged or older now), we came home with a couple of pounds of leftovers and absolutely no more fuel in the Extrovert tank.
Black Friday is this weekend and, once again, it comes into conflict with “Buy Nothing Day”. You’d think that they’d co-ordinate better.
As it is, Maribou and I will be celebrating “Buy Nothing Day” as, seriously, we’re kinda beat from the various snowstorms, work dramas, and pleasantly dramatic family dinners of the last week or so. I mean, sure, we’re going to go to King Soopers and the like… but, man. The stuff the nephews want is stuff we can order from Amazon (Lava Lamps, Rock’Em Sock’Em Robots) and the stuff we want for each other is all intangible sentiments that communicate esteem and restrengthen bonds that grow strained and frayed by wear and tear.
So I am going to do my best to NOT go out and thereby participate in BND. Sit in the basement and do some laundry. Consider all of the things that I am thankful for including how I don’t have to go out and, when my sister asked me what I wanted for Christmas, not being able to think of anything.
And otherwise get ready for the long month of going to work and having to deal with the whole “oh, So-and-so is on vacation” issue that turns any multi-person project into something that is completed by the people who made the error of not running off to EPCOT to buy $12 boozy slushies while they watch a fireworks show.
Oh, and probably put the finishing touches on the Unsolicited Shopping Guide. (Maybe even the starting touches.)
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is “CAT NAP” by pjsixft (“PJ”). Used under a Creative Commons License.)
Well, our Thanksgiving plans have been dashed against the rocks of reality. The world has been telling us not to go, so we aren’t. Now it is just me and the wife, at home for a belated turkey dinner. Oh well, the sun will be over the yardarm in an hour or so…Report
Is this a “dude that sucks!” situation or a “well, at least you didn’t have to go through with your plans” situation?Report
Not sure. I was looking forward to the people we were supposed to hang out with, but not to the temps it was going to get down to. The state is requiring chains (even with all-wheel drive) for the drive we were supposed to make, and when I was younger, I wouldn’t bat an eye to putting them on. But now… Not so much. And when I went to start the wife’s car this AM and had zero power (a bad alternator), that sealed it. It was as if the world was saying “not today, brother.” It is too bad in the “I really like that scenery in winter” kinda way, but not in the “ermagerd! We will miss the stuffing” kinda way.
So, everything has been rearranged for an X-mas shindig and we are cooking turkey as we type! As I get older, I have taken the path of just not pushing things.Report
Mine was spent traveling home after a VERY long week (my dad’s memorial service, hanging out with extended family the next day, after that, my brother and his wife and their never-stops-talking-even-when-she’s-asleep seven-year-old, and helping my mom cook….)
And I have a stack of exams (given in my absence) to go over and get and bring back here and grade, and dangit, I have a dental checkup Monday (I hate going to the dentist….)
It was…..a lot, this past week. I only lost my temper once and I only had to leave the house to get away from the noise twice, so I guess I did pretty well.Report