Beto O’Rourke Feels Like Running for President

Beto O’Rouke
“The more he talks, the more he likes the sound of what he’s saying.”
That isn’t snarky commentary; that is a direct pull quote from the Vanity Fair piece that is serving as media launch vehicle to Beto 2020.
It’s 10:30 P.M. and Amy is now curled up on a chair next to Beto, scrolling through e-mails. The kids are asleep. I ask O’Rourke if he could see himself among the presidential biographies on his shelf—Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy. “I haven’t really thought about that,” he says. “I think, ego-wise, we’re going to be O.K. if we don’t run. Where we won’t be O.K. is, if we don’t run and come to the conclusion later on, if we had run, man, this wouldn’t have happened. Things would have been a lot better. Or—”
“You didn’t do everything you could,” Amy says, completing his sentence.
“We didn’t do everything that we could,” he says.
Beto O’Rourke seems, in this moment, like a cliff diver trying to psych himself into the jump. And after playing coy all afternoon about whether he’ll run, he finally can’t deny the pull of his own gifts. “You can probably tell that I want to run,” he finally confides, smiling. “I do. I think I’d be good at it.”
“This is the fight of our lives,” he continues, “not the fight-of-my-political-life kind of crap.
But, like, this is the fight of our lives as Americans, and as humans, I’d argue.”
The more he talks, the more he likes the sound of what he’s saying. “I want to be in it,” he says, now leaning forward. “Man, I’m just born to be in it, and want to do everything I humanly can for this country at this moment.”
It is quite the piece, complete with Vanity Fair having dispatched Annie Leibovtiz to provide the photos to accompany Joe Hagan’s prose. It drips with angst and the weight of decision making and destiny. It is grade A media roll out strategy.
And if it seems familiar, it’s because it is, as Kyle Swenson in The Washington Post points out:
The picture, splashed on the cover of next month’s Vanity Fair, features Beto O’Rourke, and accompanies a long cover story that lit up the Internet on Wednesday. Taking readers inside the former congressman’s will-he-or-won’t-he ruminations about running for president after losing a 2018 Senate campaign against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), writer Joe Hagan’s piece ends suggesting a definitive yes. (Although he still has not made an official announcement, O’Rourke has reportedly told an El Paso television station he will join the race)
But eagle-eyed sleuths on the Internet were more curious of the cover portrait. As some pointed out, the image bears an uncanny resemblance to a 2007 magazine cover of John Edwards, another presidential hopeful, then featured on the now-shuttered Men’s Vogue. Sly grin. Outdoors. Jeans. Truck. Family dog.
Both magazines are owned by Condé Nast. Both pieces were penned by Hagan. And both photos were taken by famed photographer Annie Leibovitz.
Just remembered the last time a Conde Nast publication dressed a young Democratic hopeful in smart-casual workwear and posed them next to a dog and pickup truck in a cover story shot by Annie Leibovitz.
— Freddie Campion (@FreddieCampion) March 13, 2019
Still others pointed out the pose was very similar both in posture and clothing to Reagan’s Time Magazine “Man of the Year” cover.
To be fair, there is a certain way to look and be presented when you are rolling out a presidential campaign, and to use Swenson’s phrasing “when it comes to presidential iconography, there’s a limited set of images that tend to be recycled again and again.” It’s all designed to show Beto O’Rourke not as a wealthy former congressman who has the security to be at his leisure while deciding whether or not to run for the White House the last few months, but Beto O’Rourke the family man, concerned citizen, regular guy spurned to action by fate and circumstances.
But that also is going to feed into the strongest criticisms of Beto O’Rourke, the candidate.
Beto O’Rourke came within a respectable 3 points of unseating Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), in the process gaining national attention and record setting fundraising. He was the telegenic beneficiary of a confluence of events: mid-term elections that were going to see the Democratic Party gain seats in congress, nearly universal loathing of Ted Cruz outside of the Republican Party, the continued dream of flipping Texas red to Democrat blue, and the general love of a long shot underdog story.
That dynamic has little to do with a presidential campaign.
Beto’s persona will carry over, and some of his fundraising contacts, but little else. Whereas he had the complete phalanx of everyone not supporting Ted Cruz assisting him in his Senate campaign, the 2020 presidential nomination will be political blood sport for the ages. The crowded field for Team Blue isn’t just the result of no clear leader, but also of a palpable belief that President Donald Trump is vulnerable and beatable by anyone who emerges victorious in the nomination fight. The theory goes, and is widely proclaimed, that whoever the Democratic Party nominates will be better than Donald J. Trump and therefore will enjoy universal support en route to victory.
Sounds good. On Paper.
In reality, there are still 20 months of bloodletting to get through, and already the not-so-silent primary against the candidates, both declared and undeclared, has produced some ugly moments for the contenders to navigate. Senator Kamala Harris has been answering legitimate questions about her prosecutorial record, and less legitimate and rather ugly questions over her husband, career, and even her own racial background. Senator Amy Klobuchar has been fighting a steady drip of stories about her treatment of her staff. What little attention Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has is being funneled to dealing with how she handled sexual harassment allegations between two staffers. Senator Bernie Sanders has had a stream of old videos emerge showing everything from him honeymooning in Russia and praising the Soviet system to making unflattering comments.
There are many other examples. It will only get nastier from here. There will be no stepping aside from the large group of fellow Democrats seeking the highest office of the land. So how will Beto O’Rouke, who rather publicly has been soul searching, self-exploring, and otherwise being very open on everything, fit into that?
His supporters play up the openness and honesty angle. The comparison some of those supporters try to make to the Hope and Change of Barack Obama range from subtle to screaming. The Vanity Fair piece went with the latter, detailing the former president’s sit down with Beto after his senate defeat, and by setting the scene of him coming home from his Oprah interview to find his wife Amy reading Michele Obama’s book Becoming.
When O’Rourke blurted out to Oprah that he’d make a decision on whether to run or not “before the end of this month,” the answer surprised even him. “I did not intend to say that,” he tells me. On the flight home from New York, O’Rourke learned that Trump was coming to El Paso. Amy was reading Becoming, by Michelle Obama, absorbing the former First Lady’s account of her trials living through a toxic presidential race with her husband. By the time the O’Rourkes touched down at El Paso International Airport, Amy’s stomach was in knots. “She was kind of pissed at me when we got home,” recalls O’Rourke. “Almost like ‘You fucker.’ ”
She knew he was running.
It’s that kind of heavy-handed imagery that is causing eye-rolls from detractors. What comes off as open and honest on social media to some can quickly careen into silliness and TMI to others, such as when O’Rouke decided to Instagram his dentist visit. It was quite the online Rorschach test between those who found it endearing and those who found it idiotic with little ground in between. In a campaign that is already marked by the candidates’ usage of self-made social media videos, Beto cooking in his kitchen was well-received while his blogging of his soul searching travels raised eyebrows and elicited chuckles.
Just as dividing was the details surrounding Beto’s 1998 DUI. The incident being twenty years old and widely known, it is not in doubt that it happened, but there was some noise around the circumstances and whether or not O’Rourke tried to flee the scene. That story won’t move the needle much in the campaign to come, having been hashed out in both his congressional and senatorial campaigns. The narrative of having grown up and past it will hold up for most folks, as our last three presidents have included an admitted drug experimenter in Barack Obama, an alcoholic for better part of a decade before finding religion in George Bush, and a laundry list of personal failings surrounding Bill Clinton. It’s barely even worth mentioning compared to the life and times of our current president.
So barring some John Edwards-type self destruction, God forbid, what do we make of Beto O’Rourke as things stand today?
The Vanity Fair piece is instructional not just in the narrative being built around the man and candidate, but also in letting you know who supports him. It takes stroke to not only get that treatment, but to get Conde Nast’s A-Team and full media push to accompany it. Those same people with stroke have clearly decided that Beto should run and be supported. We know he does media and live events well.
And that is about it. The rest is conjecture.
Yes, he fundraised well in 2018 but that was when he was postioned as the bottom of a nation-wide funnel pointed specifically at him. $70M is record-setting for a senate race, but will barely get you through the door in a presidential campaign. Yes, he is good on TV, but so are several of the other candidates. Yes, he is relatively young, especially to the post-70 Bidens, Sanders, and Warrens of the race. But at 46 he’s in the middle range between Harris, Gillibrand, and Klobuchar who are all in their 50s (Senator Cory Booker turns 50 in April), and the younger Julian Castro (44) and the much younger Tusli Gabbard and Pete Buttigieg, who are both in their 30s. Yes, he performed above expectations against Ted Cruz, but everything went his way in that race.
An endorsement, beyond just hints and conversation, by the Obamas would be something, but even that holds uncertainty. The former president surely wouldn’t endorse until the primary is mostly decided, or at least winnowed down. Then there is the question of whether a party that is hell-bent on beating Trump even wants to do a remix of Hope and Change against Donald Trump when many loud voices are demanding scorched Earth. Polls don’t mean much at this stage, but since November and while he was waiting to announce, Beto’s numbers did dip.
In December, a CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa poll found that 28% of likely caucus-goers there had a “very favorable” view of O’Rourke. A new poll this month found that number had decreased to 19%.
Bernie Sanders’ entrance gobbled up attention and an eye-catching fundraising haul. The will-he-won’t-he of another candidate in Joe Biden also looms before the full field of contenders is set. Then there is the question of “can he fight?” So far he has gone out of his way to praise and not criticize anyone currently running, but that will quickly have to change. At some point if he wants to win, the skateboarding former punk rock band member is going to need to trade blows and get his hands dirty in a very crowded race. Not to mention that the winner of the nomination gets the prize of being the sole focus of President Trump’s attention from both the bully pulpit of the office he holds and the Twitter account he uses to drive the daily news cycle.
The charge against Beto O’Rourke by his detractors beyond just his politics is inexperience, political naivety, and being something of a hyped-up empty suit. Policy wise, he will be walking the same tightrope many Democratic candidates will be on, whether he meets the individual issue purity test a dozen different concerns demand. He has already been sniped at from his left, and no matter what positions he lands on he will be far from acceptable to those on the right. The Sanders supporters started attacking him almost immediately following the 2018 midterms, seeking to snuff out the potential usurper to what they felt was stolen from them in 2016. Others feel that with his failure to unseat Cruz his political usefulness has come to an end.
But that is the good part of a grueling presidential campaign. Now that Beto O’Rouke is in the race, the time for speculating is done, the coulda, shoulda, willas now have an embodiment and trajectory. There will soon be discernible data points to judge on, and a pass/fail grade at the end of this most public of tests.
I am running to serve you as the next president. The challenges we face are the greatest in living memory. No one person can meet them on their own. Only this country can do that, and only if we build a movement that includes all of us. Say you’re in:
— Beto O’Rourke (@BetoORourke) March 14, 2019
That “no one person” line clashes with his own Vanity Fair profile, and plays into the criticism that he, and his supporters, might think too highly of themselves:
Settling into an armchair in his living room, he tries to make sense of his rise. “I honestly don’t know how much of it was me,” he says. “But there is something abnormal, super-normal, or I don’t know what the hell to call it, that we both experience when we’re out on the campaign trail.”
O’Rourke and his wife, Amy, an educator nine years his junior, both describe the moment they first witnessed the power of O’Rourke’s gift.
It was in Houston, the third stop on O’Rourke’s two-year Senate campaign against Ted Cruz. “Every seat was taken, every wall, every space in the room was filled with probably a thousand people,” recalls Amy O’Rourke. “You could feel the floor moving almost. It was not totally clear that Beto was what everybody was looking for, but just like that people were so ready for something. So that was totally shocking. I mean, like, took-my-breath-away shocking.”
For O’Rourke, what followed was a near-mystical experience. “I don’t ever prepare a speech,” he says. “I don’t write out what I’m going to say. I remember driving to that, I was, like, ‘What do I say? Maybe I’ll just introduce myself. I’ll take questions.’ I got in there, and I don’t know if it’s a speech or not, but it felt amazing. Because every word was pulled out of me. Like, by some greater force, which was just the people there. Everything that I said, I was, like, watching myself, being like, How am I saying this stuff? Where is this coming from?
For those skeptical of Beto O’Rourke, his squaring of the “all in this together” Beto with the mystical wonders of “feel the floor moving” magical mystery Beto will be quite the trick to pull off. Will voters “witness the power of O’Rourke’s gift?” Or will his doubters be proven right, that the El Paso native is more sizzle than steak? We have 20 months of vetting, if that long, to find out.
Now ends the fluff. We will see what, if anything, of Beto O’Rourke holds up.
I like Beto on policy. I want him to succeed. But when, Oh When will the Democratic Party stop its obsessive focus on ONLY the White House and play a long game for state houses, Senate Seats, and Congress? There are half a dozen Democrats who would make the Senate a really progressive, liberal place – and almost all of them are already Senators. Chuck Schumer needs to go as Senate Democratic leader – but all his best replacements are running for President. Beto could actually unseat the other Texas Senator, or even make a credible run at governor. And 8 years as a progressive executive of an evolving state like Texas would be a really good way to prove he deserves the WH.Report
So much this. If Beto could grab the Governors mansion in Texas then the wheels would quite possibly start coming off the Republican electoral machine.Report
Texas is turning purple but not that quickly. He is probably correct that his best chance more political success is in running for the Presidency (or gunning for Veep) instead of trying for another state-wide race in Texas. The thing about Ted Cruz is that there is a lot of evidence is colleagues hate him but not much evidence that voters on the street do unless they were primed not to vote Republican anyway.
Beto carried a lot of Democrats on his coattails in Texas even as he lost. He should get credit for that!
Also Democrats have been doing better in the statehouse races since Trump won but like the Senate, a lot of statehouses are really gerrymandered for the Republicans. Democrats won huge percentages of the vote in MI and WI but the GOP retained their super-majorities or near super-majorities because of gerrymanderingReport
Well in your second paragraph ya contradicted your first Saul me lad. I still think Beto would be better off shooting for Corbyn’s seat or the Governors mansion and if he did then republicans would need to start worrying more about Texas which would be absolutely catastrophic for them electorally. Even if they could hold onto it if they had to start spending money and time there it’d be a serious problem for the GOP. It’d be like if California and New York suddenly started trending purple.Report
“I still think Beto would be better off shooting for Corbyn’s seat”
I could be mistaken, but I believe as an American citizen he’s prohibited from running for Parliament.Report
An excellent point. Though Beto would be infinitely better than that clown Corbyn I should have typed Cornyn.Report
I agree on all three counts. Dems will continue to lose (or massively struggle) as long as they locate their policy platform exclusively at the level of national policy. Schumer’s the worst, gotta go. And Beto’s effort to become America’s first hand-crafted, artisanal president is insulting to me. I think he’s fallen for the grift, myself.Report
Cornyn is more popular than Cruz in TX, so I very much doubt Beto, or anyone else, is unseating him anytime soon.Report
Over the last 30 years I have watched the slow but steady “bluing” of the 13 western states of the US — governors, state legislative chambers, Congressional delegations, EC votes. I have often said that it has happened despite the national Democratic Party, not because of it.Report
Agreed. Doug Jones purpled Alabama despite – not because of – the Democratic Party nationally.Report
I would like to offer up a luke warm defense of the national Democratic Party; Doug Jones purpled Alabama and the national Democratic party let him have the room and resources to do it. Same with Connor Lamb. It’s not like the Dems went into those races forcing Jones or Lamb to the left and forcing them to lose.Report
Great analysis. Basically Beto is exactly what primaries are for. If there’s anything of substance and capability beneath his Hope and Change exterior it’ll be revealed in the coming dogfight. If Beto survives, finesses or thrives in it then he’ll most likely be capable of mopping the floor with Trump. Holy agnostic Jesus, wouldn’t it be gratifying to force the great orange dope to defend Texas?!
But my money is that he’s running for a Vice Presidential nod at most. I just don’t see any there there.Report
Do you think the primaries really allow substance and capability to rise to the top? They seem to me to be more a filter for perceived electability. Sure, someone can come off as an empty suit, but what hurts him is not his shallowness, but that his shallowness would hurt his electability. Likewise, running a successful primary campaign demonstrates capability, but it’s that candidate’s capability to run a successful general campaign that’s being looked for.
I don’t know. I could be wrong on this. I might be falling victim to nostalgia, but I get the sense that people are decreasingly likely to look at the winner of their party’s primary and say “we did good”.Report
I think you are waxing nostalgic. Negative stories are preferred by the media, which likes drama, and negative voices carry further than positive ones. So when Obama beat Hillary in 08 the dominant narrative was “PUMAs going to destroy Obama’s chances!? Democratic Party lurching to the left?”
Do you remember a past nomination that ended with everyone being celebratory?
As to the first question? Substance rising to the top? I don’t know about that but capability to take attacks and either endure them or respond effectively? To run a grueling campaign? To deal with hordes of people? To basically do the politicking stuff? Yes I do think primaries test those things and they desperately need to.
So do I think a primary allows substance and capability to rise to the top? I wouldn’t go that far but I do think a primary allows those who have the capability to appear substantial to rise to the top at least and that ain’t nothing.Report
“I get the sense that people are decreasingly likely to look at the winner of their party’s primary and say “we did good””
Um, which people? Because about 90% of the Republican party did indeed looked at the winner of their primary and said “We did good.”Report
Err ftr my comment was directly exclusively at the Democratic side of the aisle. The Republican primaries are fascinating to watch but I do not have the ability to put myself into their voters headspaces.Report
Not at the end of the primaries. There may be a little intoxication that comes from seeing a person win state after state, imagining they’ll do the same thing in the general. And the day of the general election, there are (ideally) a lot of people who really believe that their candidate is better than the other party’s.
You’re right, though, that there is currently a phenomenon of Only Trumpers.Report
Its also worth remembering that Mr. Trump “won” the nomination by pluralities not outright majorities. Its another lesson that Democrats seem to be ignoring – a large field necessitates a savage winnowing or you end up with someone you don’t really like representing your party. Republicans could have saved themselves Trump if they had done some behind the scenes work to narrow the field after the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries. If they had gotten down to 4 or 5 quickly Mr. trump would probably be starting another season of celebrity apprentice.Report
Yes that is a salient point and a real danger. I think it’s way to early yet to get very concerned about the matter. A lot will depend on how first few primaries and caucuses go. Frankly I suspect a lot of the candidates will drop out.Report
What makes you think Republicans, who consistently support Trump at 90% rates, WANT to be saved from Trump?
They like him- they really, really LIKE HIM!Report
@Chip Daniels – yes, they do now. I was simply saying that had they not had 16 people starting off their 2016 campaign season they might not have won because, again, he got the nomination on a series of pluralities not a majority. Afterwards the Republican powers that be discovered he’d back their preferred policy approaches.Report
“Trump’s a complete asshole.”
“He may be an asshole, but he’s our asshole.”
“No, you don’t understand. He had me at asshole.”Report
He also just made news with this, O’Rourke telling an audience that we’re all doooooomed.Report
Great piece, Andrew. I think O’Rourke entering this race takes away Sanders’ support from millennials, and I’m beginning to feel all these candidates aside from five are running for VP not president.
The selfie generation seem to want another self made rockstar to run for president instead of looking toward one’s record. Truthfully, what has O’Rourke accomplished in Congress that qualifies him for the WH?
Why this hurts Sanders. He had the youth vote all geared to vote because he promised free things. This time, you have a Tony Hawk wanna be named Robert Francis, that connects with youth.
I predict once Biden enters the race, along with O’Rourke, Sanders becomes desperate to maintain.
Warren is out she cannot police her own mouth.
Gillibrand too.
Harris I’m undecided but her being from California doesn’t help her in purple states.
If Klobuchar can rise above the bad boss stereotypes maybe a VP pick for Biden.
Biden’s tone and tenure will determine everything in this primary.
Sanders will be here in Vegas this weekend- Henderson, of course. Now I’m no fan of Sanders but I am curious what the head count will be and I do know a few ppl who plan to attend. So I may bite the bullet just to report on the mood.🤔Report
Biden needs to sit down. His policy and history is not really progressive, though he seems to learn better then most. But old white guys are not the future of the Democratic Party or progressive politics generally.Report
I like ol Joe as a person and a politician but the idea of him being the candidate this year makes my hair stand on end. He’s too gaffe prone and he’s got a lot of videos of him being rather awkwardly handsy with people. Also he’s really old. I mean if it was a choice between him and Bernie I’d be with Joe all the way but we have a LOT of other candidates.Report
As somebody who had the opportunity to vote for Beto, I ‘m glad he’s running. I think he brings a lot of things of the table in terms of electability, both in the primaries and in the general.
Beto is a cis, white, straight man -thus, he doesn’t trigger *cough*slightly bigoted*cough* voters that would be reluctant to vote for a woman or a minority.
At the same time, Beto, growing up as a minority white in a majority Hispanic environment, has fully -and honestly, which is important- embraced the multiethnic/diversity aspect of America. True , he’s embraced far more the Hispanic rather than the black aspects of it, but I think black voters will appreciate his honesty and won’t resent him for that.
Beto is young. I’m frustrated that Democrats have difficulties finding young candidates. As much as I like both Biden and Warren, I don’t want anyone near 70 running for President.
Beto is not from the Northeast, or California, or Chicago. He comes from a Red (purple) state, and will be much more competitive in the Western states. Relatedly, he’s from El Paso, a weird place that straddles the urban/rural divide, a mid-sized city surrounded by hundreds of miles or purely rural areas.
I hope I get the chance to vote for him again (Do I sound like Obamagirl)?Report
I was thinking about this last night and … much as I like dunking on Beto, I don’t think anyone should sleep on him. Ted Cruz won his first election by 16 points. As an incumbent he almost lost. In a state that doesn’t really go with the flow of national politics.
For the Democrats to win in 2020, it won’t be enough to win the blue states. They need to tip some states that voted for Trump in 2016. And that is *not* a given, no matter what the polls are saying right now. What candidate can tip those states blue? Sanders? Right. Harris? Don’t make me laugh? Warren. No way.
Only three candidates in the field so far show that potential: Biden, Klobuchar and Beto. If Beto were to flip Texas in 2020, the election would be OVER. No Republican can win without Texas, period.
So we’ll see how things go. But I’m going to take Beto seriously, silly Vanity Fair profile and all.Report
I have no ill will for Beto myself nor, do I think, do very many of the folks here. He just has a lot to prove on the primary campaign. He is basically starting from scratch.Report
Yep. Definitely. But I think he’s as viable a candidate as anyone else. And one of the few, I think, who could flip a lot of red states.Report
Welp, that’s that (Content Warning: Serial killer fiction.)
Beto was, apparently, Phone Phreak-adjacent in his misspent youth. That’s not the problem. The problem is that, at age 15, he wrote a short story about a serial killer from the serial killer’s POV.
Parents: if you want your kids to be politicians, don’t let them on the internet.Report
Apparently, his handles were “Apache Dreamsac” and “Psychedelic Warlord”.Report
Is it weird that this kinda makes me like him more? It makes him seem more like a real person and less like a haircut with a platform.Report
No, it’s like when he was in a prog rock band and he was wearing a sheep mask (a la Peter Gabriel’s Foxtrot phase, if I’m not mistaken) and people made jokes about him being a furry.
He strikes me as a guy that you could sit down and talk about hacking BBSes and back when Genesis was good.
It does make him more likable.
To people like me.Report
Ain’t that the truth. I forget which of the big multi-person games it was that my son played in high school and some of college. But he’s 35 now, and his girlfriend was telling me recently that they were out with a group and were chatting about handles and nicknames and one of the people suddenly blurted out, “Wait! You were Roscoe the Midget?”Report
I feel like the twitter conversation about this is reaching new highs in levels of bots talking to each other.
But that could just be my generalized skepticism talking.Report
I’m so grateful that I chose to give up judgmental media to cleanse my soul. I’m really conflicted with how I come across on Twitter. Therefore the snarking and mocking of people I just don’t want to go there. It reminds me of junior high and insecurity clique central. I’m not a Beto supporter but I have no earthly desire to pick him apart just to excuse the useful idiot in office.Report
Beto was seen as a big deal not because he was a big deal, but because of whom he was running against.
I expect that he will be treated rather poorly in the coming weeks/months by the same people who championed him. Not because he deserves to be treated poorly, but because of whom he will be running against.Report