VMI played Toledo in football on Sunday. It was a real mismatch, as you might expect between a Division 1-A team and a 1-AA team; Toledo won 66-3, 30 first downs to 14, 603 total yards gained to 232. But what made the game unique 1 is this play:
The punter got rejected like a rookie trying to dunk on Dikembe Mutombo 2. It’s not his fault, of course; the offensive line didn’t appear to so much as wave at the rush as it went by.
If only the late Bill King had called this game, it would have been his best ever “Holy Toledo!”
Saw the video of this yesterday. This is why I love college football. You don’t see crazy stuff like this on very many Sundays.Report
As a Berkeley grad, my favorite example of this ever was when Cal scored the winning touchdown with time running out, using 175 laterals and the Stanford band as blockers.Report
Known to all as The Play. (This killjoy official sees progress stopped around the 50.)
When you visit the Bay Area, I’d keep that to myself.Report
There oughta be a rule.Report
Here I thought the title of the post would be grumbling about the Kavanaugh hearings or something but no, I’m glad it turned out to be this.
It’s MD; no politics!Report
What was the official scoring distance? Is it a punt if it never goes beyond the line of scrimmage? Or is it a weird sort of foot-pass interception? An aerial pedal fumble?Report
All good questions. The box score shows:
Toledo Punt Returns
C. Thompson 2 11 8 1
from which I’d conclude it’s a 3-yard punt return for a TD. Confirmed by the play-by-play description:
4th & 12 at VMI 11
(10:38 – 1st) TEAM punt blocked by Cody Thompson blocked by Cody Thompson Cody Thompson return for 3 yds for a TD, (Jameson Vest KICK)Report
Which just goes to show that football is just Nietzschean performance art, and not a proper rules based game.Report
That is, Ray Nietzsche.Report
That’s what I thought.Report
Man, a 3 yard return is going to kill his season average. Goodbye to the pros.Report