More likely Iowa Democratic voters identify as ‘socialist’ than ‘capitalist’ – The Washington Post
43 percent call themselves “socialist.”
From: More likely Iowa Democratic voters identify as ‘socialist’ than ‘capitalist’ – The Washington Post
by CK MacLeod · January 17, 2016
43 percent call themselves “socialist.”
From: More likely Iowa Democratic voters identify as ‘socialist’ than ‘capitalist’ – The Washington Post
CK MacLeod
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Breaking news: 62% of Democratic caucus goers and 38% of Republican caucus goers probably don’t know the definition of the word “Capitalist”Report
Or socialist. Though the two sides have differ in their misunderstanding.
In the doc Pelosi did on Obama opposition, one astute young man described it as halfway between communism and Nazism. But mostly Nazism. Cuz Obama.Report
To be fair, historians of capitalism and socialism have troubles defining the terms to. Lay people are at a lost.Report
That’s true enough. Also, reaching any conclusions about this stuff is a bit of a fool’s game since the conventional definition of “a socialist” is anyone who supports social safety nets and the ACA.Report
If nothing else, it confirms my belief that the word has lost its toxic sting.
Given that anyone who actually remembers communism is middle aged now, and given that Sweden is the reigning example of what Socialist Bernie Sanders wants us to become and what their Fox watching uncle fears, young people could be forgiven for thinking this socialism stuff is kinda cool.Report