Let Down – Glyph’s Disappointing 2015 in Rock


Glyph is worse than some and better than others. He believes that life is just one damned thing after another, that only pop music can save us now, and that mercy is the mark of a great man (but he's just all right). Nothing he writes here should be taken as an indication that he knows anything about anything.

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19 Responses

  1. greginak says:

    The new Calexico and Future Islands are both good. Real good.Report

  2. Chris says:

    That Deerhunter song really is pretty great. There have been several rock albums I’ve enjoyed this year, including the Radical Dads and Bully albums, but I can’t say that I’ve really loved any either. A partial list:

    Lady Lamb – After
    Westkust – Last Forever
    Royal Headache – High
    Ezra Furman – Perpetual Motion People
    The Early November – Imbue
    Small Feet – From Far Enough Away Everything Sounds Like the Ocean
    Rey Pila – The Future Sugar (though this might have been better on the electronic list)

    Some samples:


  3. Glyph says:

    I put an 18-track playlist in the FP sidebar – I’ll try to clean up the wonkiness around it when I get to a real keyboard.Report

  4. Will H. says:

    I just played a George Benson model, and the thought of listening to anything else seems like sacrilege at the moment.
    I’m in love. (smooch)

    My current set-up is supposed to get me up to 120 dB with everything all the way up (400W, 4 x 12″).
    I might be tempted to see if it would really do it with that little baby.Report

  5. dhex says:

    savages have a new album coming out in january

    (warning: video is the most 90s thing i’ve seen since 1999)


  6. Jaybird says:

    I should have remembered this for the unsolicited gift guide but Low’s “Ones And Sixes” was pretty good.


  7. dhex says:

    fwiw beach house was my son’s favorite album this year. it is pretty choice.Report